The Holy Innocents.
Yesterday we remembered the fate of the Holy Innocents. These were the babies that Herod, in a state of terror himself, sent out his soldiers to murder, hoping that the Messiha would be among those killed. I have watched films depicting this horror and I have always been moved by the plight of the helpless babies. The mothers suffered too as they trued to protect their children. For is that not what a true woman does, protect and even die to protect her young. These babies were created as we are to know God, love God and serve God in this world and to be happy with him forever in the next. Yet even in the time of Jesus there were women trying to abort their children, or leaving them to die after birth. Of course the woman were not all cold hearted, and I am sure there were many in very distressing circumstances, but there would be others who just wanted rid of the baby. Their hearts for some reason had grown cold. ...