Penny Catechism; Faith

 What is Faith?   Faith is a supernatural gift of God which enables us to believe without doubting whatever God has revealed.

Well this seems simple and straightforward or is it?   As I said before, this catechism is based on the teachings of the Council of Trent, and I am sure that on Faith a great deal more would have been said there.  Now the Council of Trent met to counter the rise of Protestantism which using the Bible brought up many disagreements with the Catholic Church.   Indeed the Calvinists claimed that Faith alone will save us, so how can so many people 'of Faith' disagree with one another.   The answer lies in our doubts, in our struggles to justify what we believe against the evidence of scripture and tradition.    When I was a young boy at school, everyone around me was catholic and the evidence was that every Catholic followed Jesus and the Church.  I had no doubts about my Faith.  When I was older, I saw that society was changing, and weighing the changes against my Catholic Faith I began to ask questions.     I read many books on Apologetics which went further than doctrine and applied catholic teaching to society and demonstrated that a secular society would bring a destruction of what was good.   With the help of God I began to believe in my Catholic Faith without doubt, and how it was a way of life contrary to the morals of society, and could restore so many parts of peoples lives that have been destroyed.   I never doubted fro then the teachings of Jesus which brought me into conflict with the priests and laity who claimed that Vatican II had changed the Church and what it taught.    It was often a bitter feud, but I knew that I had to defend not myself, but Jesus and his teaching for so many young people were being destroyed.   So they found me a challenge, and were in constant complaint about me. 

I should mention that I am taking my questions from a revision of the Penny Catechism of 1889, approved by the English Bishops in 1985.  There are one or two subtle changes.   There are answers to questions later that I have found in their version 'A Catechism of Christian Doctrine' which I have found quite appalling and I will not hesitate to condemn.        


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