Sexual Perversion and the World Health Organisation

 In 2010, the World Health Organisation working with the German Federal Organisation for Health and Sex Education issued the following programme for the sex education of children.

Age 0-4 the child has the right to explore nakedness and the body and gender identity.  The child should learn to differentiate between  'good' and 'bad' secrets and learn 'My Body belongs to me'

Age 4-6 the child learns to name each body part, and caregivers are to 'wash every part of the body and talk about sexual matters in sexual language.  The child should be given information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching ones own body in early childhood masturbation, friendship and love towards people of same sex, secret love and first love, and an awareness of rights.

When I was studying for my Social Work Certificate there used to be discussions on sex which could go on for hours.   I firmly believe that this was because in their minds there were people addicted to sex and the writers of this certainly were. But let us carry on.

Age 6-9 the child should be informed of menstruation and ejaculation, choices about pregnancy, different methods of contraception, sex in the media, including the Internet, enjoyment and pleasure when touching one's own body {masturbation, self stimulation}, difference between friendship, love, and lust, friendship and love towards people of the same sex, diseases related to sexuality.   They should examine their body, use sexual language, and accept diversity.

Of course if they start too worry I am sure there will be some kind gentleman who will help them understand.

Age 9-12 First sexual experience, variability of sexual behaviour, contraceptives and their use,  pleasure, masturbation, orgasms, STD's, and HIV and Sexual Rights.   The child is to acquire media competence in media studies, in the Internet and Mobile Phones, and deal with pornography.    The child is to talk about sex and make conscience decisions whether to have sexual experiences or not.

As they carry on feeding their own sexual addiction the WHO gets really to the point

Ages 12-15 The child learns the skills to obtain and use condoms and obtains communication skills to have safe and enjoyable sex, and to deal with shame, fear, jealousy, and disappointments.  Child learns more modern media competence and deals with pornography.

Age 15 and up.  Time to learn about genital mutilation, circumcision, anorexia, hymen and hymen repair, pregnancy in same sex relations, contraception services, designer babies, transactional sex (probably why the white girls used by Pakistani gangs are ignored, the girls were taught prostitution), and acquire a critical view of different cultural/religious norms related to pregnancy and parenthood.   (I suppose they are talking about marriage, which of course must be viewed critically)

Well that is the teaching of the World Health Organisation.  I have butted in a few times bu let us hear from Gabriele Kuby

"All right, parents, teach your babies about masturbation, talk about sex to your children, push them into sexual activity, and let the school teach them about contraception, abortion, and same sex lust, love and parenthood before puberty.   Teach them how to use condoms, immerse them in pornography, get them addicted to sex.   Let them know that all this is their 'right' - drown their  childhood in the abyss of sexual obsession, together with their dignity and the hope of your children for a happy family.    WHAT SCHOOL PRINCIPAL, FATHER, OR MOTHER, CAN STAND UP TO THIS AUTHORITARIAN INTERNATIONAL PRESSURE?   WHEN AN ORGANISATION RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HEALTH OF THE WORLD (THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION) TOGETHER WITH A GERMAN GOVERNMENT, DRAWS UP A "STANDARDS FOR SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN EUROPE" AND GIVES THE IMPRESSION THAT THEY ARE DERIVED THROUGH  SCIENTIFIC  OBJECTIVITY, THEN OBVIOUSLY THIS SERVES THE WELFARE OF THE WORLD POPULATION.   OR DOES IT?



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