Sex and the Human Tragedy/

In the animal kingdom I have yet to hear about an outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases.   Animals follow their natural instincts and when they have a mate and she becomes pregnant they remain around and help her with the offspring, guarding her and the cub, and protecting them from other predators. 

I am glad to say that the majority of humans also respond in this way.   The Males  use reason to work out that they have a responsibility towards the woman and the child.    They do not just have sex with her, they know they are called to be responsible for the woman and any offspring.   But there is one thing more needed from humans.    In their development over hundreds of years the male and female have bonded in a way that is beyond the animal instinct, they have a special bond where as partners they do not just raise the children, but they always seek the best for each other and this is called love.    This bond gives the human child security in what is called a family.   The children experience in themselves the love of the father and mother, and know what they want in a future partner.   They have experienced the separation of Love and Sex.   They know that love is not sex and that sex is not love.   And these children are fulfilled and know what they want from Society.

The tragedy for humans is that so many other children do not experience this love.   Many fall in with partners who have already experienced the separation of sex from love in their own lives and become the champions of casual sex.   The girls hope to  find someone like their own parents who would fall in love with them but these males are only predators seeking self satisfaction in sex.  Girls who have never experienced the bond of parental love are easy victims. The predators  use one girl then move on to the next and shake their shoulders and walk away if the girl gets pregnant, but after a while the girl just becomes like the boys and abandons love for sex.     They are no longer using sex as nature intended and nature in its way pulls them up.    Since multiple sex is not the natural way, then there are a host of diseases they can catch.     One of the busiest but least publicised departments in an hospital is the Sexually Transmitted Disease Department attended by so many young people.   Then there is the cost to the person of the girl.    When pregnant they can now kill the baby, many are forced into it by family and friends and grieve for the rest of their lives.   I know women who remember the date of their abortion for the rest of their lives, especially when in later years they are unmarried and have no family.    What about the child they could have loved and would now love them? 

There is of course the  secular society that we now live in which has successfully destroyed the idea of marriage and pretends that a single parent family is not different.    There is a great deal of difference in finance and childhood experience, and although there are those who think that all you have to do is remove their poverty and all will be well, the loss of a father and mother raising the children as nature intended  can never be replaced. 



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