Why Did God Make You?

Why Did God Make You?     God made me to know Him, Love Him, and Serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him forever in the next.

What a beautiful answer.   We are not just like other creatures in creation, we were made for a particular friendship with God.   Through our intelligence we can get to know Him.   This of course is not immediately understood by a 5 year old.   But in Catholic Schools in those days we paid many visits to the local Church where we knelt before the Blessed Sacrament.   A teacher would tell us that Jesus was present there in the form of Bread, so we knelt before this Holy Bread, and worshiped Jesus, who we were told was God.   Now did we understand this as children?   No we did not, but we accepted it, as indeed the Apostles accepted many things Jesus said without understanding, one example being "unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man you cannot have life in you".    It is very sad that in the Church today many so not understand who Jesus was in the way that His disciples did.     They argue against his teachings, they believe they are more mature than his disciples and the both line is that they are even more mature than Jesus.   What do they care about committing adultery or its consequences on marriage.   What do they care if they walk out on the one they chose to marry and their children.   What do they are if others with unnatural practices destroy themselves.   This is the secular society and they care or for the secular society than the teachings of Jesus.    

Of course God wants us to love him.   But what is love?    At five years old I knew very little about the word.   I relied on others to show me, and I can say that at that time in the slums of Glasgow there were people who cared and loved ver much.   The first part of my primary schooling was in the World War.    People laugh with one another and cried with one another.   We all were ordinary people and no one was better than anyone else.    And people cared for the future of their children so the Government cared for the future of their children.    Not like today where fathers just abandon girls whom they force into pregnancy and care not a hoot for the child.    Where children grow up disadvantaged, the poor that the Government need to patronise , but must not think too deeply of their problems because nobody believes in a two parent family, male and female, these days.   Single parent families will do very nicely for a child and the child will have no disadvantages over a two parent family.   They will have no feeling of abandonment, no problems at school, they will grow up and marry just like everyone else.  Childrens Homes are full of unhappy children whose lives have been wrecked in a dysfunctional family.    But of course in our secular society we must not give any priority of thinking to the form of a family.   Marriage after all was despised by Marx and Engles.   So where is love, what is love, millions of children have never found the answer.


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