Why do Catholics Allow the Church to Destroy their Children?

I am old now and getting tired, I soon will be meeting Jesus Christ at my judgment and He will ask me to make an account of myself.   I will have very little to say on my behalf for I was a sinner for most of my life, but I hope that Mother Mary will speak up for me and tell Jesus how I defended His Church.    How I looked at what the Secular Society was doing to families, to children, and destroying hope in so many young people, and how I defended the victims of abortion both the child and the mother.    I fought against the secularists and when they entered the Church to destroy the teachings of Christ on such subjects as the family, the right of the child to a father and mother, his stand on divorce, and His Church where people were set aside to serve him, yet sought only their own version of him.

They sought to destroy Him also through the removal of the Blessed Sacrament from out altars, so that they could be the centre of their own self worship.   Where Jesus had taught against adultery, they put their burdens on the young by telling them it was just having sex with married people.   Catholic schools gave out condoms, for after all that was the 'sensible thing' to do.    Had they followed up the children after school they would have noticed that the majority, yes the majority, were single mums  by having relations with a man who just deserted the mother when inevitably there was a child, since society told them they had no responsibility, and after all single parent families are just another form of family, but if the girl did not like it, then society sank to the lowest a society can sink, and instructed the girl of the great new freedom of killing an unwanted child. 

Of course the great thing about the secular society that such catholics love, is their freedom to do what you like and ignore these oppressive Church rules.   Show your are an adult.   So they go on their selfish way pretending there is a difference between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the Church.

Next September a new Government Bill will come into force which will 'allow' Catholic Schools to teach that abortion is a woman's right, that the children should enjoy sex with one another, that their are different forms of marriage, and if you become a single mother, well you will be the poor the Government always shouts about and makes political capital of in their fight for votes.   In other words they will patronise you but they will not help you.  Your children will never have the the opportunities that children of a natural family have.  And sadly there are many bishops and priests in the Church who are more concerned with homosexuals than with you.  And the new education will also touch that subject.  It is a triumph for the bishops of England.

The amazing thing is that you would think that a Church empty of young people would see that there is a problem.   The youngsters are taught that God 'made them the way they are' so there is no need to feel guilty about anything.   The young people laugh at such nonsense and find no use for God or the Church.   The late Bishop Ward observed one day that Catholic children who go to a non-Catholic school remain in the Church in larger numbers than those who go to a Catholic Schoo.  The other bishops did not like this.    Yet I have grandchildren who go to non-catholic schools and I would to have it any other way.

Unless the Church turns again to Jesus it will disappear under the onslaught of the new Marxist Atheism.




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