A Call to Pope Francis.
Do you not know that people who do evil will never enter the Kingdom of God? Make no mistake the sexually immoral, idolators, adulterers, the self indulgent, SODOMITES, thieves............none of these will enter the Kingdom of God. Some of you used to be of that kind but you have been washed clean........1Corinthians 6-9
That is why God abandoned them to degrading passions. Why their womenhae exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural practices. And the men in a similar fashion too, giving up normal relations with women, are consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameful things with men, and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion. ROMANS 1.26
There are other quotes from the Bible I could use. But I would draw to your attention that phrase from Romans "and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion' It is not hard to work out. They were attacked by HIV and Aids, dying miserable deaths. St Paul, some would say, speaks too harshly. he is judging others, he is hurting others, he is being 'unkind and unchristian'. Yet Paul is only following the Master. In 1Corinthians he points out that some of his christians hearers were once like that, but they repented and received the grace of God to lead the lives Jesus asked them to live, not as adulterers but as saints.
The Church can never abandon the teachings of Christ. Does this mean that we see every adulterer as evil, and we must shout at and insult them. That in condemning homosexuality we must avoid homosexuals like the plague. No, no, we must condemn the sin but not the sinner, the final judgment of anyone belongs to God.. This truth should be taught at all times. From the Pope to the least in the Church. And yet today as a Catholic I have a heavy heart. For today the Bishop of Rome, is leading the flock astray. I am not noted for my attacks on the Pontiff, and indeed at every claim against him I look to refute the allegation. Loyalty to the Pope should be as loyalty to Christ. Yet the Pope has recently abandoned the Church. In teaching compassion and mercy for the sinner, he has slipped into the error of putting that compassion above Faith. He has called for inclusion in the Church of Gay people, regardless of their fidelity to the Teachings of Christ. He claims that they should be part of the family of the Church, but yet again how can they claim to be followers of Christ when they do not repent and listen to Him. When their very presence in their midst will be a call to abandon His teachings. Yes, Yes, from the values of the World this is seen as humanity, if you dare say a word then you are a bigot, but no, it is the very intrusion of Satan in our midst laughing at us. I pray for the Holy Father, that he will be guided by the Holy Spirit and not the perverse cardinals around him. The Church needs his strength in Spirit as Pope. He is called to serve God and not the World.
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