The Unhappy Childhood of So Many Of Today's Children
I am now nearing the end of my life and I am looking back to my childhood. One of the earliest memories I have is my parents shouting at one another as I tried to sleep. Later I was taken to Dublin for a very long holiday and I moved on from one lodgings to another. I was too young to understand, but later my older sister filled me in, the reason was that my mother had run off with another man and attempts were being made to settle down, but it never did. She told me of a proposal whereby she was to stay with Mum and the lodger and I was to be raised by my father. It did not work out and I was eventually back in Scotland, but I did notice that my mother always slept with my sister, and when their were fights my sister and I were always being told what the other had done. Now it had a terrible effect on me all this quarrelling and arguing, I became withdrawn, had few friends, and from being a bright lad in primary school I became lazy and lethargic and an academic failure. It was like being in a trance, I saw no hope for me. Eventually I ran away from home and went to London, with little money in my pocket and little prospects on offer. But at least I was now on my own and responsible for myself without interference. I did begin to make something of myself and met my future wife, and on our wedding day, I vowed that any children would not suffer the way I did. Along came six children, and the four who are now happy with their spouses will tell you that I was a bit of a softie really, and it was their Mum they feared. Yes Mum and I did quarrel, but we had a pact that no quarrel on one day would be carried on to the next and this was observed and never broken, and that was the kind of environment my children needed. Of course they were not angels, and got into scraps with others, and one needed a little more attention and had a real problem, but we tackled him in a way that sent the message that we still really cared for him. He is now happily settled down and married.
But why am I telling you all this? Well thinking about it I realised that this is what marriage is about. Two parents showing their love for each other, gives children security and helps them feel, especially when young, that they are loved. When this is not experienced then the children become like I was, lost and confused, and with no anchor for their lives. That is how nature arranged things. In the animal world lions, tigers, will find a mate and when it has impregnated it will stay to guard the mate and its offspring. Penguins are especially worth noting. The male penguin will after birth allow the female to disappear for weeks hunting for fish to feed the young, on her return the male will then go off to fish. It is how nature works, it made them male and female for the survival of life on earth. If the female penguin does not return then the male is in real difficulty and the baby may not survive. Now this should be something for humans to copy and be aware of, but unfortunately too many are just too willing to ignore their responsibilities. So the female is left to raise the child on her own. It is fine when you are one of the elite, but ordinary women perhaps find only jobs filling shelves at Tesco, but they are told by the elite women that this is contrbuting to society. Sometimes separation comes about by divorce or a partner just walking out for another woman, demonstrating how bad a father he is. AT Colleges and Universities the Sexual Revolution means that young women are expected to enjoy sex whatever the consequences, and the consequences may well mean killing the baby since its unplanned arrival means hardship for the woman. Should she have gone against the sexual revolution, she certainly should have. The result however is that the children grow up to be as lost as I was. They are told one parent family is just another form of family as though they had lost nothing. Yet nature tells them differently. They are unhappy, but do not know why. They perform badly at school, and far too often in search of love they give into sex from a self centred male, who just abandons them in turn, and they become single mothers. In the world there are feminists who shout in the streets for abortion rights because a pregnancy can create, they claim, so much hardship. And anyway having unilaterally decided that the baby is not human, they try to ensure that everyone must believe this. My thought is that it is their own guilt they are hiding from, because to describe the baby in the womb as not human is nonsense.
I am 82 and will soon be called away from this world. But I can honestly say that I am leaving a very selfish world, a world that is much worse than the one I was born into.
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