The English Bishops And The Revised Catechism of 1985

 Sorry, I have to move forward to the 6the and 9th Commandments in the Revised 'A Catechism of Christian Doctrine' put out by the English Bishops in 1985.   I am asking for your help in this for I cannot work out whether the Bishops then were just plain 'stupid' or were they indeed heretics?   Now this Catechism is not one the people normally buy, and maybe I am the first one to have read it, but maybe others did read it and just binned it away in disgust, or just laughed at the stupidity.

What is the sixth Commandment?    The sixth commandment is 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' then it goes on to the question What does the sixth commandment forbid?   The answer is "All sins of impurity WITH ANOTHER'S WIFE OR HUSBAND.   Now I am pretty sure that this is not what the answer was in the 1889 version.   However the bishops waste no time explaining and make the whole thing unintelligible by going back in th next question to the 1889 version.   Does the sixth commandment forbid what is contrary to Holy Purity.  The sixth commandment  forbids what is contrary to Holy Purity in looks, words and actions.    (BUT OF CORSE ONLY WITH ANOTHER'S HUSBAND OR WIFE).   Condoms can be freely given out in schools for the use of boys and girls with one another.   And of course there is no question that single people can commit adultery.  the bishops have ruled that out.    And there is the thought that gays can sin  in this wonderful catechism  Nice one bishops!

When it comes to the ninth commandment Though shall not covet thy neighbours wife.  The ninth commandment forbids all wilful consent to impure thoughts and desires, and all wilful pleasures in the irregular motions of the flesh.   

But what brings on this desire for married people.    Let us look at the summary of the things we should not do to bring such desire for  adultery on us.    

What sins commonly lead us to the breaking of the sixth and ninth commandments?   The sins that commonly lead us to the breaking of the sixth and ninth commandments are gluttony, drunkenness, and intemperance, idleness, bad company and the neglect of prayer.    

Wee could mention lust, but the bishops are celibate and of course would not understand.


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