My Faith v Secularism.

I have written recently on how children need a stable home with a mother and father who love each other, who have given themselves to each other  so willingly that the 'two have become one flesh'.    It is not easy but this self giving is what love is about.    When they have children they then have a circle of love one for another .   The Children love the father and mother and one another, and complete a circle of love called 'family'.    When I grew up during the war there were friends who did not have a father, they were at war, or sadly had died in the war.   But these children had the consolation that they had a father who loved them, and although the circle was broken, they did not have feelings of rejection since they knew their father had loved them.

Now this is where I am in conflict with the Global Reset where a few rich people are trying to build a world with their values.   Their values in matters of the family for example say there is no need for a father; that children with one parent fair as well as children with two parents. Yes, if you are middle class with a good income the child will have all the material advantages.   Yet how do they do emotionally?   Were they able to move on from a single parent family to a family which is a circle of love?   Certainly among the working class, it is single parent families who mostly need the food banks because although there are many wonderful single mothers who struggle, they just cannot have the income of a two parent family. 

But let us move on to crime.   I remember a former commissioner to the London Police being cut off on TV when he suggested that the black youths of London who used knifes on people were deprived of a father's discipline, that is not where the BBC the Marxists wanted the conversation to go.   Marx and Engles saw marriage as the slavery of women and that is where socialism is today.   We have women who do not want sex in a commitment to marriage, but casually, able to chose where and when, just like men.    They separate love and sex just like men do, but when their affairs get them pregnant, they look upon the baby in the womb as trash to be disposed of.   At lest they try to do, even ending up trying to deny the little human being is there.    "No, no, these babies are not human", they try to convince themselves.   I find it very sad to see feminists marching to defend their 'right' to kill their own offspring.   It is defying the laws of nature.   No animal would indulge in this.    And what do we have at the end of the day?   More young women suffering from depression going from man to man, enjoying sex but unfulfilled in love and eventually thrown away, often committing suicide.   But on crime again, one of the issues with black people in America is that they were not as slaves allowed to marry.   This meant their behaviour was confined to affairs and sex outside marriage.   When slavery was stopped this kind of behaviour did not stop, it was part of their culture, and difficult to overcome.    So we had like we have in London, young men growing up without a father, unfulfilled in the love of a father, and feeling rejected in themselves.   So they turn to crime.   It is not that they are more wicked that whites, or that police are just ignoring white crimes, it is the absence of the true family, a circle of love.     I worked in a teenage boys home for about a year and the boys were there because they came from broken families.   Everyone of them.    Yes, all things were said to them to try to change them, and there are gifted people who can make a difference to these boys, but they are few and far between.    What these boys needed was the love of a true family, a circle of love, and this loss could not be replaced,  The home was eventually closed as the boys started burgling neighbouring houses.

So this is my Christian Faith.   The Lord made them Male and Female and for that reason a man shall leave his wife and family and cling to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh, breathing love on each other and on their children.   Secularism has no insight into the human person and only offers destruction of the human spirit.         


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