WHEN DID THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION START? It is commonly thought in the 1960's but it actually was started by the Bolsheviks in Russia. Let us turn first to Karl Marx. He had a terrible family life His two daughters and a son-in law committed suicide. He lived on financial assistance from Friedrich Engels, and he turned against the family as an institution. As Enges quote him in Gesasmtaurgabe vol. 3.6 "The secret of the Holy family is the earthly family, To make the latter disappear the former must be destroyed in theory and in practice". Engles also pushed this line. In a paper The Origin of the Family, Private's Property and the State' he wrote the following "The First 'Class Antagonism' appearing in history coincided with the development of man and wife in monogamy and the First 'Class Oppression' with that of the female by the male sex. He saw integration of women into the production process as a necessary condition for their liberation Bourgeois morals were seen as a impediment to a classless society, since it was in marriage that the first class antagonism arose. 

Most of the above I have taken from a book The Global Sexual Revolution by a woman called Gabriele Kuby. But what I found on reading, was just how similar the present sexual Revolution is to the Bolshevik one. Freeing children from parental bonds, she wrote, made the forming of them into good citizens, free from bourgeois morals, so much easier. She mentioned a woman Alexandra Kollental, whom Lenn appointed as Commisar for Publilc Welfare. She it was who legalised divorce and abortion. She also established free houses where she promoted free love in order to liberate women from the choice of ' prostitution and marriage'

It is not difficult to notice the promotion of all these things in our society. We have an American election coming up and probably another UK one, where the people will choose between, and make no mistake on this, between a society whee there is less suicide and unhappiness among our young people because they are brought up by a father and mother in a loving family rater than being taught to hate Christian values, based on the teachings of Jesus, which leads to happiness. It is Atheism V God. Everything that is rotten in our society comes from Marxism: everything that is good comes from God.,


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