Trouble in a Catholic Church in Gosport?

I was going through the blogs when I came across a report that parishioners were abandoning a Catholic Church in Gosport, the Portsmouth Diocese.   Bishop Egan had appointed a priest of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to the parish.    Of course the Franciscans Friars only say the Tridentine Mass.   One lady protested that she was being forced to kneel for Communion and wear a head scarf, another lady protested that it was not the Tridentine Mass she had known when she was young.   I do not know if there were any other objections raised because I do not know the source of the article.  

Strangely enough I have some sympathy for both women.  The first had been a convert of six years and had no doubt been badly catechised and the real treasure that is in that Sacrament was probably not explained.  When you really appreciate that the Blessed Sacrament is the substantial presence of God himself, that it is God made man coming to share in our humanity by giving us his divinity we would want to be like some Syrian Churches, prostrate rather than just kneeling.  The other lady I also have sympathy with because she is correct in that how the Tridentine Mass has returned is not quite what it was when I grew up.   We did not sing Gregorian Chant every Sunday.  We sang hymns, beautiful hymns to the Blessed Sacrament, to Our Lady, or even to a saint.   As a child I did say with the priest Holy, Holy, Holy..............l.    But maybe I am prejudging the issue and this is done, for if it is not then the Friar must consult the parishioners and come to an arrangement which satisfies his integrity and the needs of parishioners not born to the Tridentine traditions.

The lady who was forced to kneel may I am sorry to say have support for her complaint among some clergy and lay people, but as I remember it they were the ones who forced me to stand when receiving and receive in the hand.   I did not receive any publicity when I objected to this.    


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