Why do I keep writing these blogs?  God knows it does not advance any respect for me in the eyes of those who have built their New Church.    Even Catholics who are faithful to Church teachings have accepted that they can do nothing but leave the bullying and harassment to God.   I will be accused of being 'negative', though how defending the Church is negative I cannot work out.    Then there are those who have succumbed to the new teaching that we are all 'on a journey together' though it is obvious that some are journeying in an opposite direction from the one Christ intended.   Then of course there is the lack of charity jibe.  Let me put a question which is better - to speak the truth uncharitably or never to speak the truth at all or to speak it with no conviction whatsoever as something you are required to do.   Like many others I do not go out of my way to pick quarrels but when the Church is smeared at publicly or her teachings or her truth ridiculed I will speak out for that is my duty to Christ and his truth.     I came across this phrase recently - AN  ERROR  NOT  RESISTED  IS  APPROVED;  A  TRUTH  NOT DEFENDED  IS SUPPRESSED..  That is why the Church is now run by the anti-catholics of the Spirit of Vatican II.   The faithful have forgotten the words spoken by Jesus to Pontius Pilate - "I have come to bear witness to the Truth"    And standing shoulder to shoulder with Pontius Pilate the anti-catholics ask "What is TRUTH?"            


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