The Pope is not a Good Communicator.
I am sure I must be right on this - the Pope is a warm hearted Pope but I have never come across a man whose talks can be interpreted and indeed are interpreted as revolutionary by one group and traditional by another. I saw two different headlines on his last catechetical audience which led many to believe he was going to change the law on divorced and remarried people not receiving Communion while another pointed out that this is not what he said. You have to dig deep. I think on this occasion he told us something which I believe he had sincerely been misled on and that was the statement he made that such people were being excluded from participating in the Church. So the discussion really should have centred around whether this was true or not. I have never heard of such a thing in any part of the world and that is the verdict of many people whose work I have read recently. Perhaps someone could enlighten me. I am aware sadly of the anti-catholics inside the Church who tell people not to worry about Church teachings and just follow their conscience, that is - listen to us. I find it sad that such people mislead others but despite crying Lord, Lord a thousand times a day, they may find Jesus when they die does not know them.
The Pope does mention the suffering of children in divorce and how we should not turn our backs on them. This is very true but when a child loses a natural Father or Mother no new parent will quite mean the same. It is Divorce itself that has hurt them, " Jesus let me carry your cross on this matter. Let me as a divorced and remarried person be a witness to the evil that befalls children in Divorce. I am weak and the path is difficult in my second marriage but let me participate in the Body of Christ the Church in all those areas where I am made welcome, and not receiving you in Holy Communion will be part of my reparation for all those broken marriages and broken children"
The Pope does mention the suffering of children in divorce and how we should not turn our backs on them. This is very true but when a child loses a natural Father or Mother no new parent will quite mean the same. It is Divorce itself that has hurt them, " Jesus let me carry your cross on this matter. Let me as a divorced and remarried person be a witness to the evil that befalls children in Divorce. I am weak and the path is difficult in my second marriage but let me participate in the Body of Christ the Church in all those areas where I am made welcome, and not receiving you in Holy Communion will be part of my reparation for all those broken marriages and broken children"
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