Members of the United Nations and senators of the United States are purring.     For many years in the name of sustainability and Care of Creation they have imposed on poor countries Foreign Aid with provisions attached that the countries could not refuse.   Their only enemy in this was the Catholic Church, although not "enlightened" Catholics, but now Pope Francis is coming, a convert to their care of the poor programme and a huge supporter of their plans for world domination through Climate Change.

"Quo Vadis, Francis?" Jesus might well ask,  "I am going to save the world" Francis might well answer, "But where are you going, My Lord?"   "I am going to carry my Cross for the thousands of children who will be slaughtered in the womb today for sustainability or what is called the Care of Creation.  I am also carrying my cross for those who will be the subjects of forced contraception policies.  And for those who have not been able in the past to develop their economies and will be forbidden in the future from doing so under a new world order.  I am going to carry my cross for the poor and not for economic communism.

You may have found the script childish but the questions are still valid.  Pope Francis is going to America either to serve God or serve Mammon.    If he thinks that he will be respected he is deceiving himself.  He is being used.   So how can he speak for Christ.   He must make it clear and very clear that the poor deserve better.   That abortion and forced contraception are against the dignity of every human and it is not part of his policy of supporting Climate Change.    It must not be just extra comments to his agenda but clear and precise.    He has no other alternatives but to carry the Cross with Jesus.    Yes, he may risk being unpopular, but he did get onto a bandwagon he should have avoided, and he must for the love of Christ put things right.  


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