Last week we had the feast of St Pius X and on Sunday the Gospel of John in which Jesus promotes the eating of HIs Flesh and lost many followers in doing so.   It was indeed a 'hard saying' and among the followers of the ant-catholic Spirit of Vatican II there were many who began to question the teaching all over again.   We can note that Jesus in talking about this mentioned that 'he' who eats of this bread will live forever and I will raise 'him' up on  the last day.   As with the manna in the desert it was to keep individuals alive so that the community could survive.   The emphasis by the anti-catholics in the Church was somehow to make the community survive independent of the individual faith of the members.   So we had all the nonsense about processions of the body to the altar and receiving only as a Community.    And to ensure it was a Community exercise and not personal devotion people were forced to stand and indeed they are still forced to stand and receive in the hand.     The personal choice of individuals to kneel was out of the question and altar rails were smashed to ensure this anti-catholic doctrine prevailed.  Then of course there was an anti-catholic drive against Adoration which was a natural progress from the teaching.   Little wonder they call themselves Progressives.

As in all things contrary to the will of Christ the fruits were a disaster.    And just as the new Catechesis in schools which was brought in to combat a 50 per cent lapse in Church attendance of young people raised the lapse rate to 95 per cent so the new teaching on the Community turned people away from Christ and the Church.   The mystery of the Mass which was at the heart of attendance on Sundays was removed and we had dull Church services instead and having removed Catholic Hymns in the false Spirit of Ecumenism the music became dull, dreary, and suffocating and we went from bad to worse.    Yet Catholic Churches are still heavily influenced by people who blame everything but themselves or indeed wear the Emperors New Clothes and fail to see or perhaps do not want to see the emptiness they have created.

St Pius X introduced daily Communion into the Church and at a time when there was much debate and different ages were applied for the reception of a First Holy Communion in different countries, he consulted the Bishops of the Word and made a universal age of 7 years.   It is in Canon Law.   Yet there are parishes where this group of ant-catholics make up their own minds.   I was involved in a dispute on this.  I sent all the information on the subject and demonstrated that no priest or group of people can act against the Church.  I of course was ignored.  The truth is that they were running the Church according to their own laws and they did not give a damn about the wider Church.   But this law still applies and if a parent wants their child to make a First Holy Communion at the age of 7 then all they have to do is first apply to the parish priest and if this fails take the matter to the Bishop.   Why do Catholics accept such dictatorship?            


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