Bishop Egan under Fire
Let us be honest about where ordinary Catholics are in relation to Climate Change. They see it as something political and unfortunately they have no facts given to them to back up the need for a drastic change in lifestyle. From the early days of Al Gore when we were all going to burn up by 2050, from the fear of ice melting in the Arctic leaving the Polar Bear unprotected and the melting ice giving rise to sea levels which would flood low lying countries the fact now that such things are easily disproved has led the Scientists involved to now claim that it is not apocalyhptic but it is dangerous for some especially the poor and we must take their word for it - because they have a consensus. True there are famines in the world, heat waves in many countries and astonishing flooding in others. But we are only into studying weather for 130 years and it is a young science where there are many variables in given causes for climate change. Having ...