
Showing posts from August, 2015

Bishop Egan under Fire

Let us be honest about where ordinary Catholics are in relation to Climate Change.   They see it as something political and unfortunately they have no facts given to them to back up the need for a drastic change in lifestyle.   From the early  days of Al Gore when we were all going to burn up by 2050, from the fear of ice melting in the Arctic leaving the Polar Bear unprotected and the melting ice giving rise to sea levels which would flood low lying countries the fact now that such things are easily disproved has led the Scientists involved to now claim that it is not apocalyhptic  but it is dangerous for some especially the poor and we must take their word for it - because they have a consensus.   True there are famines in the world, heat waves in many countries and astonishing flooding in others.  But we are only into studying weather for 130 years and it is a young science where there are many variables in given causes for climate change.   Having ...


Why do I keep writing these blogs?  God knows it does not advance any respect for me in the eyes of those who have built their New Church.    Even Catholics who are faithful to Church teachings have accepted that they can do nothing but leave the bullying and harassment to God.   I will be accused of being 'negative', though how defending the Church is negative I cannot work out.    Then there are those who have succumbed to the new teaching that we are all 'on a journey together' though it is obvious that some are journeying in an opposite direction from the one Christ intended.   Then of course there is the lack of charity jibe.  Let me put a question which is better - to speak the truth uncharitably or never to speak the truth at all or to speak it with no conviction whatsoever as something you are required to do.   Like many others I do not go out of my way to pick quarrels but when the Church is smeared at publicly or her teachings or he...

Laudato Si - there is much wisdom and food for thought after all.

One of the great disappointments for me was the way that this Encyclical was introduced by the Media.  It was very misleading.    I resent being called a 'denier' linking me with 'deniers of the Holocaust', and so I focussed on what the media found in the document which was an agreement on Global Warming.   I now find that this was a very small section of the whole Encyclical and what the Pope was trying to do was focus attention on the deprivations of the poor and the lack of interest by the developing world.    The encyclical could have done without Global Warming and its doubtful science and it would have been a very challenging document.     Even in Catholic Circles there is the overemphasis on this very small part of the Encyclical.    Having read that party I am now reading through it and find there is indeed great wisdom and food for thought.  


I  FOUND  THIS  IN  AN  AMERICAN  PUBLICATION Dear Holy Father, you like mercy and you like admonishing and scolding; well and good; we could do with all three. But please, please, try to remember that the Church is supposed to be about  religion.  It’s not salvation from hunger or poverty or illness or global warming that Christ died on the cross to effect. Can we please have a little religion, now and then? It doesn’t have to be fancy. And it’s all pretty much been written down already… How about the Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy? Remember those?  1.        Admonish the sinner 2.        Instruct the ignorant 3.        Counsel the doubtful 4.        Comfort the sorrowful 5.        Bear wrongs patiently 6.        Forgive all injuries 7.    ...

The Spanish Inquisition - for faithful Catholics


Good for the Waldensians - they refuse apology for wrongs done.

A breaking story is that the Waldensian Protestants have refused an apology from Pope Francis for forgiveness for wrongs done to them.   The Pope was following the lead of Pope John Paul II and went into their temple to apologise and kiss their bible.    I am sorry nothing makes me more angry than this ecumenical stupidity. It was all part of the New Church of course.  All those mean and spiteful Catholics were now ousted and a new sensitive and loving Church was now in place.   Yes, even in my parish we had a lecture on the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades and the terrible Church that was now replaced by Vatican II.    Unfortunately the speaker was so factless that I left the room in disgust.  But such bigotry being flaunted in a Catholic Parish was inexcusable. I did not grow up in a ghetto, I had many Protestant friends in my young days and yes, there were talks on religion and disagreements.  There were the Orange Parades walking ...

Environmental Alert In the Portsmouth Diocese - to avoid what Crisis?

Bishop Philip as a faithful Bishop to the Holy See has put the Diocese on an Environmental Alert.   I understand his loyalty in this but I question his wisdom as indeed I question the wisdom of Pope Francis who jumped on the Environmental Bandwagon with the speed of lightening.   When in Rome some months ago there was a conference on the environment those scientists who had come to speak against the crisis found that there microphones were immediately switched off if they began to speak out against the so called 'Crisis'.    It was very much controlled by those who control the Vatican and whose agenda is not Christ but World Government.  There is a simple principle that those who seek this Government follow and that is if you tell a lie often enough and convincingly enough it becomes the truth - and your opponents can be mopped up easily.   So where is the crisis?    Although there have been fluctuations in climate from cold to warm and warm to co...


Last week we had the feast of St Pius X and on Sunday the Gospel of John in which Jesus promotes the eating of HIs Flesh and lost many followers in doing so.   It was indeed a 'hard saying' and among the followers of the ant-catholic Spirit of Vatican II there were many who began to question the teaching all over again.   We can note that Jesus in talking about this mentioned that 'he' who eats of this bread will live forever and I will raise 'him' up on  the last day.   As with the manna in the desert it was to keep individuals alive so that the community could survive.   The emphasis by the anti-catholics in the Church was somehow to make the community survive independent of the individual faith of the members.   So we had all the nonsense about processions of the body to the altar and receiving only as a Community.    And to ensure it was a Community exercise and not personal devotion people were forced to stand and indeed they are still forced...

EVANGELIZATION - An old word with a new meaning.

When I was young I used to evangelise.  My fellow Catholics and I were moved by the words of Jesus in Mathew 28.  "Go therefore to all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE  all I have commanded you, and behold I am with you all days even to the combination of the world" Pretty straight forward.  Jesus was sending his apostles to baptise and teach people of all nations what he had commanded and since this would be until the end of time it would mean that there would be other people acting like his apostles and teaching people the truths he had taught.   That is evangelisation as taught by Jesus Christ.   So when the Bishops of England and Wales and many priests talk about Evangelisation then this would be what they mean.  Pretty straight forward - yes.  Alas "No".   Christians have 'moved on' from those truths that Jesus bore witness to as he himself told Pontius P...

Health and Reproductive Rights at the UN.

"The donors will tie development funding to conditions that largely pro-life developing countries must liberalize their abortion laws, the former diplomat explained". When the Pope goes to America the United Nations will be voting on a programme for the next 15 years to reduce poverty in the world   The above is an example of how this will be achieved.  "Health an Reproductive Rights" will be talked about throughout the discussion and the position of the Pope on matters of forced contraception and abortion will be totally ignored as they sing no doubt "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow".   What will the Pope say.  Will he again seek popularity or will he carry the Cross of Christ for His Church.   


Our Lady of Fatima warned us.  She said that unless we prayed the Rosary then Russia would spread its errors thoughout the world.  But do you really believe communism ended with the Berlin Wall.  What was Karl Marx preaching, he was preaching anti-capitalism.  What is Climate Change Science about - anti-capitalism.   Yes, it is all about Capitalists exploiting the earths resources and not just making money but putting us all at risk.  In the New World Order a World Government will dictate the economies of each nation ensuring that they conform to their standards and do not 'infringe' the science of Climate Change.    Now is it not strange that it is the Governments of the World that have used the worlds resources in order to prosper and raise their standards of living and indeed exploited the poor, who are now telling the Third World that they will not do the same.   And is it not strange that organisations within the Church are shouting out ...


Members of the United Nations and senators of the United States are purring.     For many years in the name of sustainability and Care of Creation they have imposed on poor countries Foreign Aid with provisions attached that the countries could not refuse.   Their only enemy in this was the Catholic Church, although not "enlightened" Catholics, but now Pope Francis is coming, a convert to their care of the poor programme and a huge supporter of their plans for world domination through Climate Change. "Quo Vadis, Francis?" Jesus might well ask,  "I am going to save the world" Francis might well answer, "But where are you going, My Lord?"   "I am going to carry my Cross for the thousands of children who will be slaughtered in the womb today for sustainability or what is called the Care of Creation.  I am also carrying my cross for those who will be the subjects of forced contraception policies.  And for those who have not been able in the pa...

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

Do you know that there is a Day of Prayer for Life every year in the Catholic Church in England.   It began a few years ago and was meant to be only for the babies who are killed in the womb but the anti-catholics got over this by saying it should be for "all life" and so in some years we remember those who die by euthanasia.   This could have been done another day but the anti-catholics got their way.  They also got their way in something else - it was totally ignored by priests and their parish directors.  So there is no sermon or recognition of the day in anti-catholic parishes for it might offend someone and we want everyone to be happy.   And that is the duty of a priest today - to build a happy community. I have a strange feeling that come the 1st September this day for the Care of Creation will be greeted almost with trumpet fanfare.   Now this is what the anti--catholics really like - getting away from religion into tree hugging and blaming others...


There is a great concern for the poor in the Modernist Church.    Certainly the poor deserve out love and our charity but " does not live by bread alone but from every word that proceeds form the mouth of the Father... " Two Sundays ago we had Christ feeding thousands with five loafs and two fishes but he then fled from them and when he found them he rebuked them that they were following him because he fed them bread, fed their bellies, but they did not listen to what he taught.    "I am the Bread of Life"  he told them    I wonder in how many Churches this was explained properly to the parishioners.   He was taking about his whole person as the Bread of Life.   The whole person is summed up in what he did, what he said, and not just confined to his Love.    It is easy to say Jesus loves me, it is comforting to hear that Jesus loves me, it is the nice thing about going to Church to hear I am special in the eyes of Jesus but ...

Are you a Closet Catholic: It is time to Change.

As the Bishops and Priests of the Spirit of Vatican II spread their lies and their heresies it was a bad time to be faithful to the Church.   Along with this deceit came the Feminist movement which went beyond womens' ordination.   Many were pro-abortion, many attacked the teachings of Christ on chastity and almost every doctrine the Church He and His Church taught.  Apparently it was also wrong to feel guilty if you sinned, they just had no idea that those who really drew close to Jesus really loved him and this was the source of their guilt.  To them Jesus was just an historical figure we could all gather though taking with a pinch of salt  anything he said for now we were a more educated people and could follow our own conscience. The persecution of those who remained faithful differed from diocese to diocese but Bishops solidly anti-catholic would through the priests appoint a group of people to run the parish and ensure that any attempt by any other pries...

An Update on the Gosport Masses.

I wrote recently on the position of a Church in Gosport and admitted I did not have the source of the article but nevertheless I thought there was enough to make a comment or two.  I have now found that the source was the Tablet, an anti-catholic magazine that is sold in the modernist Churches.  Tung all things Catholic it printed its usual inaccuracies about the position of this Church.   The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have indeed bent a little and if someone wants to receive in the tongue they can do so.    The parish also has two Masses every day, one at 7am which is Latin and another one in English at 9am.   Sundays there is also a Latin Mass and an English Mass.   Far from deserting the number of people attending Mass has grown in the last two months.  The trouble is that there is a hatred of the Church deep rooted in the Portsmouth among those who were once the Spirit of Vatican II.  The Tridentine Mass threatens the new Theolo...

The Pope is not a Good Communicator.

I am sure I must be right on this - the Pope is a warm hearted Pope but I have never come across a man whose talks can be interpreted and indeed are interpreted as revolutionary by one group and traditional by another.  I saw two different headlines on his last catechetical audience which led many to believe he was going to change the law on divorced and remarried people not receiving Communion  while another pointed out that this is not what he said.   You have to dig deep.   I think on this occasion he told us something which I believe he had sincerely been misled on and that was the statement he made that such people were being excluded from participating in the Church.  So the discussion really should have centred around whether this was true or not.   I have never heard of such a thing in any part of the world and that is the verdict of many people whose work I have read recently.  Perhaps someone could enlighten me.   I am aware sadly of the...

Trouble in a Catholic Church in Gosport?

I was going through the blogs when I came across a report that parishioners were abandoning a Catholic Church in Gosport, the Portsmouth Diocese.   Bishop Egan had appointed a priest of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to the parish.    Of course the Franciscans Friars only say the Tridentine Mass.   One lady protested that she was being forced to kneel for Communion and wear a head scarf, another lady protested that it was not the Tridentine Mass she had known when she was young.   I do not know if there were any other objections raised because I do not know the source of the article.   Strangely enough I have some sympathy for both women.  The first had been a convert of six years and had no doubt been badly catechised and the real treasure that is in that Sacrament was probably not explained.  When you really appreciate that the Blessed Sacrament is the substantial presence of God himself, that it is God made man coming to share in our...

The Pastoral Needs, the Living Experience, the popular Church - and to hell with the children

Well from Germany that great home of empty Catholic Churches there is more ranting and raving about the Synod on the Family.  It is on a knives edge we are told.   Will Divorced and Remarried people be able to receive Holy Communion?   Will we show compassion to the gay community and recognise their unions.    Will we stop following tradition, that is the teaching of Jesus, and reach out to the Living Experience. Forgive me if I say I am getting sick of the hypocricy of these bishops and their followers in Europe and the UK.   There is one group of people they always ignore when they pitch their human thinking against the Word of God - children.    The 'suffering' of not being able to receive Holy Communion is nothing to the suffering of the children who have lost a Father or a Mother.   Did you know that children who still live with their 'natural' parents are now envied by other children even in our Catholic schools.  I have had hard...