The Threat of Marxism.

 I wish President Trump well as he is hospitalised with Covid-19.   I have heard claims from his opponents that he did not take the virus seriously enough and so many in America have died because of his negligence.    This is the worst lie I have ever heard in politics, yet since it comes from his Marxist opponents, it is not surprising.   And I mean Marxists and not Democrats.    Did you know there is a country called Taiwan.    Some of you will be puzzled, for it was never mentioned during the epidemic by the media, nor how it was surviving the epidemic.      I watched around February, a video of a Hong Kong interviewer talking to a member of the World Health Organisation.  She asked a question about the warning Taiwan had given the WHO in December.   He was silent for about 10 seconds then said "We have talked enough about CHINA".   It was not difficult to find the story.    In the previous December Taiwan had informed the WHO that it was stopping all flights from China because there was a major virus outbreak there, a virus that had made its way into their country and they were dealing with it.  China responded that it was only a Flu' outbreak and they had it under complete control.    The WHO accepted this explanation and ignored Taiwan, as the media throughout the world has done ever since.  They were afraid to mention the name.    Yes, I did hear Donald Trump claim that there was no danger, it was a just a Flu' outbreak, and China, whom he had been doing trade deals with, knew what they were doing.   Having found the real story I was furious with him, but it was noticeable that not one Democrat disagreed, until the virus arrived and devastated America.    Yet now the Marxists  are claiming that Trump did not take the virus seriously enough, and are quoting what he had said then.   What a cheap bunch these Marxists are!    When the Virus did strike, Trump realised that the WHO had been lying and threatened to stop funding the WHO, and, of course, the Marxists or Democrats complained.     BUT IN HIS LATTER ACTION TRUMP PROVED HE HAD AN INTEGRITY THAT THE REST OF THE WORLD LEADERS LACKED.   By avoiding the mention of Taiwan, they felt they could kill the truth.   Truth has become a rare commodity in today's world, as the Marxists make what is evil good and what is good evil.    They sow unrest in almost every area of life.   Like the Communists they have seized the schools and universities and are turning young people into hate mongers, by denouncing anyone who disagrees with their so called fight for the freedom, which is not about freedom but the taking away of the right of others to free speech.     Unfortunately this intolerance has entered the Catholic Church.    The church in many places is divided between the 'mature adult' and the 'devotional children'   The Mature do everything to take away the rights of the 'children', who cling to the faith established by Jesus Christ.   But I have written quite enough on this.

I will finish with my experience.   Not so long ago I stood at a Council election for a political party.  I was doing my canvassing when my mobile rang.    It turned out that The Guardian newspaper had printed something on me.    I had written that I understood why white people living near a Moslem ghetto were afraid of Moslems, after all they did not know how many terrorists were in that ghetto.    To me it was just common sense.   But to the Guardian is seemed to be sinister,  but their only motive in writing it, was that I represented a Party they did not like. To be fair the Guardian then printed letters which supported my position, one said I should be Prime Minister.  None of the letters were extreme.   A few days before the election a young lady in her mid twenties turned up at my doorstep.   She wanted to speak to me about the Guardian Article.     I cordially invited her into my house and told her I had something to show her on my PC which was related to an incident in London where a soldier called Rigby was brutality stabbed   As a reaction to abuse against Moslems, I had written an e-mail to the local Mosque in which I told them of my sympathy for the mothers in particular of Moslem children, who would be afraid their children would be attacked.   I noted that the Irish in Britain had fears for their children when IRA bombs went off.    As I sat at my computer trying to put up this letter a rather viscious voice said.  "I am only interested in your views on Gays"   I could have said we will get around to that, but the hostility in her voice made that impossible.   I just ordered her out.   Anyway on the Thursday of the election she used a photo of me, and taking statements from my blog at the time, she proved I was the worst bigot and scumbag in the whole of Basingstoke, probably the UK.   I did complain about her conduct and the whole matter died down.   My friends were still my friends and I, well because my conscience was clear, I did not worry whatsoever.

But she was a product of our Universities.  In another era and country she would be wearing a brown shirt.      But that is the point I was making.   She was putting down the perceived enemy, she was now a Marxist banning free speech.     

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.


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