The Transgender Situation

 When I was very small I had a sister with a doll that opened its eyes when standing but when you lay it on your lap the eyes closed as though the doll was asleep.   Now I used to play with that doll.  Even worse I was friends with a little girl upstairs who took her doll for a walk in a little pram and I used to walk with her   I did not of course push the pram for in those days that is not what men did, but I would have liked to do so.  I was only 5.     Now what would be the reaction today if at that age I was playing with a doll.   Perhaps my mother would have started worrying that I was a girl caught in a boy's body.   And what if she had spotted me pushing the pram?    Perhaps I would have ended up by dear mother putting me  in a dress, called transgender, and sent to school.  She did not do so, and I ended up still as a man when I reached adulthood.

But my story is wrong, although there are parents who are so wrapped up in their own sex views who have done just this to their children.    There is no doubt that there are people who feel they are in the wrong body, and are more comfortable dressed as the opposite sex.  They call themselves transgenders.  Now it is not my business to criticise any person in this position.   In the phrase 'transgender person',  as indeed in the phrase 'gay person', there is an adjective and a noun, as taught by Pope Francis   The noun person means that we have someone created by God who deserves our love and respect since God Himself loves the person, the adjective you may not agree with and you have evert right to keep your view, which the person may disagree with, that what they do is not according to the desire of God but you must stay faithful to God.    And if I switch to orthodox heterosexuals there are many ways in which they practice sex which in the eyes of God, is as bad or worse than the behaviour of gays or transgender people.   I am writing this paragraph to try and explain a true Christian position which I know will be criticised by many and I will still be dismissed as homophobic or transphobic however I try to defend the Christian position.

It is of transgender people I want to speak.   A great deal of criticism is now being levelled at them, not just by Christians but by the Gay Community and ordinary everyday women.     I was listening to Germain Greer, once loved by feminists but now despised and indeed non-platformed for her condemnation of the excesses in the womens' liberation she once fought for.    She was asked about her views on transgenderism and she stated that a woman who transgenders to a man is still a woman and that a man is still a man.    "But can you not see you are hurting their feelings" asked the journalist.  "Yes" said Germaine, but does not everyone have their feelings hurt, my feelings certainly have"     But there are a growing number of gays now attacking transgenderism.   They resent the assumption that transgender women can enter women's wash rooms.   They do not care for the feelings of the women.   Any man can dress up as a woman and enter their private space.    Then there is the injustice to women in sport.    A man who calls himself a woman is now representing women at the New Zealand weight lifting.   She/He is full of muscles and looks still like a man.   Other women physically weaker cannot compete and are complaining yet the organisers of the Olympics can do nothing they are so afraid of being victimised.     In a Spa in Los Angeles where woman took thier children  transgender walked in naked and showing his genitals for all the children to see.   The parents objected but the Spa did nothing.   They picketed the place but an organisation called Antifa turned up and in scenes reminiscent of NAZI  GERMANY pulled the boards away from the protestors and assaulted anyone who objected.   What an age we live in when fascists claim to be anti-fascist but use the same tactics.

Anyway we live in a terrible world where God is despised and violence and hate are used as weapons to bring peace.   Pray for  our mixed up world.   Believe in Jesus and pray to Jesus, for he is coming as our judge



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