On My Blog.
There is the story of how Peter when he was leaving Rome, was met by Jesus. Peter asked him "Where are you going, Lord?" Jesus replied "I am going to Rome to be crucified". Peter understood and returned to Rome, where he was crucified for Jesus.
It is a well known story that we all love. But do we learn from it? Would we turn back like Peter knowing that pain, torture, and execution awaited us? Looking at the Church today which has been infected by people, bishops, priests, and laity, who do not follow the Jesus of the Gospels but a Jesus constructed by themselves who does not bother about obeying commandments, who does not bother about sin, who apparently could not care less that our children are using contraceptives, that they are indulging in sexual relationships, that so many are ending up single mothers causing unhappiness to their children, that men see women as bodies to be used rather than a person to be loved. And did this new Jesus make young people happier? We have growing suicide rates among the young, we have growing drug problems, we have increasing domestic violence, we have divorce growing rapidly. O yes, the new bishops, priests, and lay associates brought us empty Churches, for this kind of education where young people themselves see a Church that does not care, has made young people hostile and over 90 per cent have stopped believing in any religion and that long before they have left school, but let us look on the bright side, there are many friendly priests who teach nothing worthwhile but are very good at 'bringing people together'.
I had 878 people from Sweden read my blog in the last two days. That was wonderful and I thank them but I must be honest. Although I could tomorrow write a blog as I have done in the past and be certain that I could attract 90 people from my own diocese in the next two days, these blogs are where I am apologising or not apologising for some wrong or perceived wrong I have done. I usually have about 9 and it goes up to 20 at times. But I have regular readers in America, Portugal, and sometimes from Italy and even Russia and many other with a 1 or 2 hits every so often. I once described myself as controversial, and indeed to many it appears that I am, with my what they call Traditional Views. But really I am speaking up for the truth. When the modernists moved into my diocese and insulted the Catholic Faith, I read the story of Peter and Jesus meeting outside Rome. Jesus was urging me to take up my cross. O there were many good Catholics around me who joined me in the Rosary, but they were of the opinion they should keep quiet and 'leave it to God'. I did not quarrel but all through the history of the Church when reform was needed, it was faithful Catholics speaking up for the truth among the hostile that saved the Church. So I took up my cross and started this blog. God does not interfere, he leaves the war against Satan to us, and we all have the faith and strength from Him to overcome this evil abandonment of the young.
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