Should Joe Biden receive Communion?
There is a great controversy going on in America as to whether the President should be given Communion by a priest or should the priest refuse. Biden is supporting Abortion until birth, and indeed it is not clear what birth means. Is it at the moment of birth where doctors will be waiting to inject the baby, or is it foetus, with a deadly injection, or will there be a consultation and decision made in one, two, three, or even four hours, or perhaps a week or even more? And will the decision to declare the baby or foetus a human being be delayed to await the outcome? The whole thing seems to me to be a lust for blood. Hitler had a policy of killing babies at birth if they had any impediment that interfered with the view that they were specimens of the new Arian race he was building. The babies were rushed away and the mothers told they had died. What a pitiful state the world is in when what was once a horror we are now being forced to accept. At least Hitler had a motive, but as I say we just kill babies in our stride with no reason and with no conscience A new book out in America to educate children we are told tells the story of mothers who are not yet ready to have an abortion, they are not ready for a baby. As someone remarked the book will be more pro-life when a child is told what an abortion is by an honest parent. It is not just a choice, it is certainly not a right, it is not part of the woman's body being removed, it is a baby being cut to death, or left gasping for air on a nearby sink.
Of course in America we have 'compassionate' bishops. They look at the woman and receiving a reward of thanks and gratitude which fills their day, they like the mothers forget about the distress of the child, for after all they do not really care about a next life, and if they spoke for the baby what thanks would they get. Better to build up rewards for yourself in this life.
Now we are talking here about receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. He is the Son of God made incarnate in every host that everyone receives. He is the Holy God and as St Paul says "He who eats this bread and drinks this cup unworthily is guilty of the body and blood of Christ" In other words by receiving Communion unworthily he or she is taking and defiling this awesome and beautiful gift. He has not love for Jesus and is crucifying love with indifference. He does not care for Christ or his passion. So when for human gratitude again a priest gives this arch-abortionist Commuion he is showing his own contempt for the Body of the Lord in seeking to please men. When in the early Church which celebrated the Mass even at the time of the Apostles and gave out the Flesh of Jesus to the Christians, not such blasphemy would have been allowed.
Joe Biden as an abortionist with blood on his hands will find at his judgement that in Heaven they do not recognise the difference between Church and Stage, and he should do penance as those who insulted the Eucharist in the Early Church did, and priests should be aware of the holiness in the Blessed Sacrament and call the people to regular confession.
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