The Moto Proprio of Pope Francis
When we study the history of the Early Church we find that from the very beginning the Apostles and those they appointed to follow them, celebrated what Christ had asked them to do at the Last Supper. And as the Protestant Historian JND Kelly in his book Early Christian Doctrine stated. "Eucharistic Teaching it should be understood from the outset was unquestioningly realistic i.e. the consecrated bread and wine were taken to be, and designated as the Saviour's Body and Blood. (look up my earlier blogs on Clement and Ignatius of Antioch). Note the word consecrated, in other words they used the words of Jesus at the Last Supper. This is called in the Acts of the Apostles 'The breaking of Bread' I fail to understand why in the Catholic Church there should be any difficulty on this. There is scores of early writings. Now that first Mass was offered in the language of Jesus. In Rome until about 180 AD most Masses were in Greek then they used more Latin.
So where is this leading me. A Mass is the consecration of the bread into the Body of Jesus, and the wine into the blood of Jesus. It does not matter what language is used, God is not particular, he understands. This has always been my position on those days when the Latin was changed to English. I did not go looking for Latin Masses but I understood them and respected the right of those who loved the Latin liturgy to celebrate.
The present Pope had issued a Moto Proprio which I find very divisive and to make his words meaningful he has put forward several points which I am afraid do no justice to himself.
He is taking away the 'extraordinary' form of the Mass as promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI. So what is his reason? He starts off telling us that the responsibility for the celebration of the pre-conciliar liturgy now rests with the bishop, (had it not always). Then he starts telling them what they must do. He must verify that groups already celebrating the Latin Mass do not do so because they disagree with the changes of Vatican II. No, Pope, Francis they celebrate the Latin Mass to be one with others celebrating the Latin Mass throughout the world. The Mass in Latin has been celebrated for approaching 2,000 years, and they love the Mass which they have every right to do. Nobody is being deprived of the vernacular Mass and many say the Mass in the Vernacular and Latin.
The next point, and remember it is up to the bishops, is that Latin Masse may not be celebrated in ordinary parishes. Suppose the bishop believes there are people in a parish who love the Latin Mass? The Vernacular Mass will not be denied. So down the manhole goes his statement that he is returning power to the Bishops. Again bishops are to designate places where the Latin Masses are to be said and dictate on which days they can be said. I remember a Russian lady once saying the communists had infiltrated the church and were at the 'very top'. Well here we have a good example of communist dictatorship. It is also required that the readings are the ones approved by the local Episcopacy, I never knew there was a problem.
Going back to its communist flavour, again remembering the power is being given back to the bishop, if there is a priest who wants to celebrate the Latin Mass in future ordinations, he must apply to the bishop, of course he must, and then the bishop is required to consult Rome. What a wonderful example of communist centralisation. And of those who are ordained and wish to continue saying the Mass must apply for authorisation.
The Pope then goes on to talk about Pope Benedict introducing the extraordinary Mass as a means of uniting the church. Sadly he has found in the questions he sent that it has rather divided the Church and that is why he had decided on his moto proprio. I have never heard such nonsense in my life.. I have complained on many things that divide the Church and you can look through my blog, but what divides the Church is not so much the celebration of the Mass as the indifference shown to the flesh of Jesus, something I remarked on in my introduction.
He then goes on to lament that many have rejected the reforms of the Fathers of the church at Vatican II and betrayed the true Church. Please, please, The bishops who attended Vatican II did no introduce the Vernacular Mass, It was pushed on to them by Vatican officials long afterwards. I was alive at the time, pointed to the documents and asked where I would find it. The priests would not help so who was I a lay person to question a priest or bishop,. Here are further things that divided the Church. A meeting of Catechists led by someone sent by the bishop of the time to tell us that no Church had the whole truth, it was shared among other Churches. At the end a leading Catechist stood up and said "The Church will have to change its teachings on Abortion, Divorce, and Contraception" Another person who was a nun looked at me and said "It is the work of the Holy Spirit" I was not invited to be a catechist. Then there was a Saturday morning meeting at my childrens' school. A new Catechism was being introduced. I spotted that teaching on the Blessed Sacrament was not included. I asked and found it indeed was not included I remarked that if the children knew nothing about the Blessed Sacrament they would lose their faith. I asked the lady conducting the programme for Holy Communion if she taught the Real Presence. "O no, they are too young" was the reply. One year they even tried to stop the girls wearing white dresses but the parents rebelled. In 1985 the Catechism of the Catholic Church was changed to the Catechism of Christian Doctrine. It was updated but the only thing changed was that the 6th commandment on Adultery read that adultery could only be committed when a married person was involved. So that gave the Catholic Education Service the right to ignore Jesus and teach safe sex and contraception in their religious education programme to schools.
But Pope Francis is right. I am dividing the spirit of the Community. But I will stand by the Jesus Christ of the Gospels and I will not insult Him by pretending that we are much more intelligent tha he is.
Pray for Pope Francis and the enemies of the Church that surround him in the Vatican.
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