I cannot help but wonder if the recent Moto Proprio was indeed written by Pope Francis since his  illness has been reported, and how long was his illness going on.   The document, let us face it, was poorly constructed and had little or no hope of being implemented.   Things are very much different in the Church today than it was in the 1970's.    Those who celebrate the Latin Mass are very much organised and they have strong leadership in Cardinal Vigano and others we meet on EWTN, Church Militant, and other parts of the media.    When Pope Benedict retired he complained he was surrounded by 'filth' and it drove him also into illness.    Most Catholics do not take a great interest in the Vatican, believing it is full of good and holy men, and I believe they are better off not knowing of the irregularities of the Vatican Bank unfolded by Cardinal Pell.    They will not believe either the support given to pedophile priests and bishops in America, nor the gay parties that were held within the Vatican.  Yet all this can be checked out in the media places I have mentioned by honest and trustworthy priests, who have found themselves removed or suspended for speaking up.    Again I will speak up and say this has to be prayed about and by the power of the Holy Spirit put right.   The next Pope must be young, holy, and have the spirit of St Michael thrust out those who are destroying the Kingdom of God on earth. 

Holy Michael the Archangel defend us in this day of battle.   Be our safeguard against the snares of the Devil and may the Lord rebuke him we humble pray, and do thou O prince of the Heavenly host by the power of God thrust down to Hell Satan and with him all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.


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