The Sexual Drive; Do We Control It Or does It Control Us?

 Nature has blessed the world with many forms of life.   In order to keep the different species going, it has divided all the species into male and female, so that there would be offspring and the mamy life cycles would continue.   In the animal kingdom the male simply seeks to overpower and mate with the nearest female, making no decisions as to whether they please or do  not please,   It is called an animal instinct and the animals have no reason in the matter only the need to enjoy sexual activity.   One thing that animals share with human beings is the need to form a family, and having mated with a female the male then guards her through pregnancy and hunts and protects the offspring when they arrive.   It is the natural law and has been seen as such in every human society for thousands of years until Communism and Marx and Engles arrived who saw marriage as the enslavement of women.   What they introduced into society was sex without love and responsibility, and when pregnancy came it was the woman's responsibility to keep the child or kill the child, while the male often moved on to someone else.

But what happened if the mother struggled to give the child the same benefits of another family where the male partner had remained?   She found it impossible.   The children were worse off and had problems with their emotions since they never had a father to love and guide them.   Yes the father had gifts from nature as guardian and protector, and a quite different way of parenting from the mother.   A man who mixed with men could guide her in choosing a husband since he became a model, and a boy from whom the world demanded strength and faithfulness could be a model for him.     

On what authority do I write such things for I never went to University, so that means I am not an 'expert'.   From watching the 'natural' family that nature intended and the non-natural family that nature did not intend, but many women and children are forced into.

I was talking about Communism and at one time I believed it had been defeated.   Alas over the past few years from Universities and Colleges has come young people full of dogma and innocent in the realities of life who have espoused the Marxist Doctrine on Marriage.   Among Black People the teachings of Marx and Engles has been put forward as the way forward because they are poor and the white people have exploited them.    In football a black player talked about the poverty in which he grew up and this was quickly termed by a movement called Black Lives Matter as racism.    The truth which is hidden by the media is that probably more white single families live in the same condition.   But we must not call a spade a spade, BLM is a Marxist organisation and only see black poverty as inequality and racist.   Living as they do in the ghettos of London the boys of many families who lackj a father rebel and there was an outbreak of stabbing among them.    The police when they naturally started searching the black boys for weapons were called racist since they did not search the white boys.   Why did this matter if at the end of the day a knife was found and a black life was saved?    But BLM were there and started calling the police racist.  

White people, seeing the poor white families around them, began to ask questions when they were asked to support the players kneeling for racial justice at football matches.    Now it is true that there are many white people who hate blacks but when BLM decide that racism is only among whites and  want to defund the police and even hurled stones and bottles at the police when they had a march which the BBC famously described as 'peaceful'  and only 27 policemen were injured' I believe that booing the players for political gestures is and automatic response, since they are apparently the haters.

The BLM will not help black women since on its website it tells us it is against marriage.   It is also for the redistribution of wealth.                   


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