Abortion and the Rights of Handicapped People
An unusual challenge to the law on Abortion came about last week when a young, married woman took forward a case to stop abortion on Handicapped babies in the womb after 24 weeks. Notice that she was not stopping abortions but making the case that the 24 week limit should apply to all. She was a woman who was happily married and was classed as Downs Syndrome herself. She was having a full and enjoyable life and could find no reason why people like her should be downgraded by society, I have worked with young men and women like her, yes they are not going to be among the star performers in education, but one thing that made me humble was that none of them ever showed the anger and aggression that we so called 'normals' exhibit. My job was wonderful because I was meeting people who appreciated everything I did for them, and that was not much, but I was made to feel important to them.
The Abortion Lobby representative then came onto the programme and started using the usual meaningless phrases such as 'it is a difficult decision to make for a woman' when millions of babies have been slaughtered. I thought of the latest news that women who had bee forced to have their babies adopted in the bad old days and I thought of the next logical step "What was tomorrows news, would it be about young girls being coerced into abortions also wanting some compensation for the killing of their babies" Of course a law has been past in the European Parliament which holds that abortion up to birth is a Human Right. This means that a baby in the womb has no rights, so if passed in this country, such legislation will deny any appeals.
Let us pray for this young lady. Is it not strange that it is Christians who love God and every human life God made, end up the villains?
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