The Future of Our Church
When I began writing this blog, like many Catholics I was very reliant on a 'sola scriptura' approach to Christianity. I did learn at school that the Church did not rely just on the Bible but something called 'Tradition', which distinguished it from the Protestant Churches. It had something to do with the Early Church and what the early Church taught. That is why when the modernists entered the Church attacking the Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and even the teachings of Christ on sin, most Catholics did not have the knowledge to stand against them. If they said the Mass was a simple meal that Our Lord celebrated on Holy Thursday, we could not contradict since we knew nothing of Ignatius of Antioch or Pope Clement. And when they started teaching our schoolchildren safe sex and involving them with the rest of the young people of this country in the sexual revolution, we knew little of the early Church and Hip...