
Showing posts from November, 2020

Penny Catechism: In Whose Image and Likeness Did God Make You

 In  Whose Image and Likeness Did God Make You?     God made me in His own Image and Likeness As a child of 5 years this question and answer made no impression on me.   Nor indeed as I grew up, it was still just as vague.    Am I the image of God?   Does God have a body like I have?   I suppose many others must have struggled like myself, for in all my 83 years I have never heard any comment on the matter from layman, priest, bishop or Pope, although having now asked I am sure there are plenty of people who will refer me to some work by some scholar or saint.   But as I struggled with the matter only days ago the Book of Genesis came into my mind. God said "Let there be light, and there was light.   And God saw that the light was GOOD" Then in all the passages up to the seventh day, whatever He was Creating, God saw that it was GOOD.   What God was doing was appreciating what He had created.    He saw beauty in the st...

Why Did God Make You?

Why Did God Make You?     God made me to know Him, Love Him, and Serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him forever in the next. What a beautiful answer.   We are not just like other creatures in creation, we were made for a particular friendship with God.   Through our intelligence we can get to know Him.   This of course is not immediately understood by a 5 year old.   But in Catholic Schools in those days we paid many visits to the local Church where we knelt before the Blessed Sacrament.   A teacher would tell us that Jesus was present there in the form of Bread, so we knelt before this Holy Bread, and worshiped Jesus, who we were told was God.   Now did we understand this as children?   No we did not, but we accepted it, as indeed the Apostles accepted many things Jesus said without understanding, one example being "unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man you cannot have life in you".    It is very sad that in the C...

The Penny Catechism; Who Made You?

 1. Who Made You     God Made Me, The above was my introduction to the Catholic Faith.  Although I had said a few prayers at home, here I was in a Catholic School beginning my instructions on Theology.   My Parents believed, my teachers believed, so I as a five year old accepted that it was true.   I was later to find that some parents who did not believe in God, did not speak of God, and said no prayers to God were to call this 'indoctrination', though at 82 I am still trying to work out why.   Surely not speaking of God nor praying to God, is a positive denial of his existence, and therefore just as deserving  to be called indoctrination.    "Yes, but you are taught to talk to someone who is not there".   Who says so?    Well scientists say so"   "And how do they know"    "They study science and have not discovered God"     I must say I am always puzzled by this.    My wife sows flower ...

A Catechism of Christian Doctrine.

 The Catechism of Christian Doctrine is the Penny Catechism I learned to recite aloud in my primary school.    It was, I was later, told a small summary of the teachings of the Council of Trent made for children.   When the revolution came into the Church in the sixties and seventies, this rote learning was frowned upon by the reformers, who claimed they were introducing a more sensible approach to religious education, but their more sensible approach put the majority of children in many parts of the world off religion completely, including here in England. Sometimes in life there are situations in which my generation is  often helped when we recall what the Catechism said.   I have a handicapped son who once had very challenging behaviour and drove my wife to tears at times.   Once she cried out in despair "Why God did you make him?"   Perhaps it was the use of the word 'make' that brought her back to the Catechism.   Why did God make you? ...


As an independent writer, I have some freedom to say what I want, whether agreeable or non agreeable to others.    Nevertheless I write as one faithful to the Catholic Faith and the hierarchy.   But I have a great involvement in politics and feel that I must encourage the Independent Enquiry into Child Sex Abuse to continue its enquiries with the same thorough relentlessness as it it did  into the Catholic Church.  As readers know, this enquiry was a response to the abuse of children in the care of Social Services in Rotherham and other Northern cities.    So far it has examined the Moslem Faith, the Church of England, and the Catholic Church.    I found it very interesting that it went back to 1970 to begin its enquires, raising a figure of over 100 abuse cases a month.     Now I am not complaining about this, but I believe that I and very many others, who looked at those events in Rotherham, expect the same level of efficiency whe...

I Support Cardinal Nichols

 What an ignorant state we live in.   They send 'experts' into our schools to teach children how to be part of the sexual revolution.   They give them contraception so that the sexes can be available to each other.   That this encourages young girls and boys to be sexually active and indeed addicted to sex, never enters their thick little minds.   Then as rape and abuse rises they look around for someone else to blame and not themselves.  Older men rape young people because the culture of the state is such that it fuels their sex addiction.  O but they should control themselves, why not teach the young to do that. Of course when we have a situation where young people have learned sex safety at school, they will experiment.   Girls will become targets for male dominance and they will respond believing that this is what love is about.   Then they will be abandoned, perhaps with a child - well nobody taught the boys to be responsible.   ...


 When I was talking about the Circle of Love or the Family, I am sure there were many fathers and mothers and even children, who just saw my post as idealism, and something they could never attain.   But let me explain a little further, I was not talking about a family of saints, for sainthood is something we all are required to strive for and not easily attained.   No, there will be arguments and disagreements, some may even be heated, but when we are quarrelling do we really stop loving?   Now that is the key.   If such disputes lead to people in the family not talking to one another, then the circle is in danger.    The trouble is, as I said, that we are a family of humans and not necessarily a family of saints.   When we work at our quarrels in a spirit of love there is always forgiveness and healing, and indeed it is the many acts of forgiveness that builds up love.   My wife and I have had since we married, a certain practice.   If...

My Faith v Secularism.

I have written recently on how children need a stable home with a mother and father who love each other, who have given themselves to each other  so willingly that the 'two have become one flesh'.    It is not easy but this self giving is what love is about.    When they have children they then have a circle of love one for another .   The Children love the father and mother and one another, and complete a circle of love called 'family'.    When I grew up during the war there were friends who did not have a father, they were at war, or sadly had died in the war.   But these children had the consolation that they had a father who loved them, and although the circle was broken, they did not have feelings of rejection since they knew their father had loved them. Now this is where I am in conflict with the Global Reset where a few rich people are trying to build a world with their values.   Their values in matters of the family for example s...

On Fraud and Trump.

 My Facebook page has not yet appeared again so I remain some kind of public enemy.   But let me defend myself.   There are many allegations of fraud being made but I cannot confirm their truth or falsity, and I will not jump on an allegation simply because it comes from a Catholic source.   To be wrong would defeat my purpose in writing.  No, I did put forward a report which was backed with substance, the sudden jump via a straight line to thousands of more Democrat votes.   It needed explanation.   I have avoided the other allegations which may be true or false which I have not come across and could verify.      But let me say that I do not think Donald Trump is handling himself very well.   He is repeatedly making claims of fraud and although I do not think he should have to name them until he gets to court, he is not behaving very well, and is crying wolf.   His repetition is giving his enemies a field day.   The BBC N...

Onward Christian Soldiers

In my last post I tried to put up a video from Archbishop Vigano on the American election.    Since it made some criticisms of the Democrats it was not allowed to be shown.    But Gee, I hae had quite a day.   I started off trying to post a video on Facebook which showed how although there was a close  down in the count at Pennsylvania and anther place, at 4 am there was a sudden straight line in  a graph which was moving from left to right and showing how the vote was progressing for each party.   The line went straight up suddenly for the Republicans although there was no count going on, but there was no rise for the Democrats.   The votes had been added and not counted. However I did not manage to post it to Facebook for I was informed that the video was still in a state of being processed - in other words censored.     I did call my son who put in the direct address of the video onto Facebook and it worked but suddenly I was not...

Vigano; America is in midst of colossal electoral fraud.

Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.   As you will see the playing of the video is not allowed.   It is called an attack on free speech.   We are already led by Satan.

The Cross of Marriage.

In the last post I was talking about the natural order in the world of male and female knowing their responsibility to look after the young and preserve life on the planet, and how many humans had become dysfunctional in that respect.   But let us look at the life of Jesus and what he taught.    Jesus, remember was the Son of God, who had come into the world to bring salvation by destroying sin.   If indeed He was the Son of God should his teaching not mean something in the world of today?   Yet though many, as he foretold, would honour Him with their lips, as far as his teachings were concerned their hearts are far from him.   Jesus taught that adultery was wrong, He taught that sodomy was wrong, He taught that divorce was wrong, and does anyone really think that among his disciples he did not also condemn the killing of an unborn child, created by God His Father.   Certainly the Jewish Faith forbade portion.   Read Exodus 21:22-24.    ...

Sex and the Human Tragedy/

In the animal kingdom I have yet to hear about an outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases.   Animals follow their natural instincts and when they have a mate and she becomes pregnant they remain around and help her with the offspring, guarding her and the cub, and protecting them from other predators.  I am glad to say that the majority of humans also respond in this way.   The Males  use reason to work out that they have a responsibility towards the woman and the child.    They do not just have sex with her, they know they are called to be responsible for the woman and any offspring.   But there is one thing more needed from humans.    In their development over hundreds of years the male and female have bonded in a way that is beyond the animal instinct, they have a special bond where as partners they do not just raise the children, but they always seek the best for each other and this is called love.    This bond gives the human...