Why I do not support 'Black Lives Matter'

If you want to know why the mainstream media isn’t covering these attacks — and many have wondered — it’s no secret. They don’t want to expose this movement for what it is — a sham of racial equality and a revolt against the rule of law rooted in the transcendent truth of God. Once that foundation for government is gone, and these zealots are coming for it, it’s only a matter of time before America is a hollowed shell ready for transformation.

I have been astonished at how well planned and organised the 'Black Lives Matter' was.   Indeed should l not ask just  how many organisations including the media, universities, governments, and Marxists worldwide managed to manipulate so many honest people into the idea that this was just peaceful people calling for their rights, when the peaceful part included rioting, breaking shops windows followed by a smash and grab for the goods inside, the murder of a 77 year old ex police officer who was black, and the taking over of the city and disbanding of police by the same marxists mobs in Minneapolis and Seattle, where the Revolutionary Marxists now hold sway.   The usual lies are shouted.   For example in America the black people make up 49 per cent of the prison population although blacks only form 13 per cent of the American population.    They are of course, according to BLM, mostly innocent.  I am surprised they do not apply this to the white population and fulfil the pun that prisons are full of innocent men.   In 2019 statistics19 white men were shot dead in America as against 9 black men.   We have seen black men with guns stopping cars on public highways and threatening the white  passengers.   IN my Facebook I told the story of how one young woman was murdered in the presence of oe of my friends for saying All Lives Matter.   The other elderly whites were scared to death.  Perhaps it is better not to know and not to speak just was in Nazi Germany.

IN the UK there was an interesting discussion chaired by Pearce Morgan when after the usual talk on more black people being searched than white for knives, a black doctor spoke up.   She had no interest in the knife searches she told the audience, she just wanted black mothers to know that the children they send off to schools get their safely and come back safely.   They are terrified for their children.   Of course this is a human problem the politicians do not understand as they point score and fight for their agendas.    

But what is the answer.   Those who read my blog will have already guessed what I will say and keep saying.    the problem is that black men too easily just walk out on black girls they get pregnant.   Children have no stable family life and the children grow up, as indeed many white boys and girls do, feeling abandoned and with little to look forward to.    A former Commissioner of police has stated this lack of parentage is a root cause.    But of course Marxists who oppose marriage and family have no time for him.   Indeed the last time I heard him on BBC, he was cut off when it came to this theme.    The trouble is that even in Australia, the Aboriginees are killing Aboriginees, but this is swept under the carpet in favour of white supremacy arguments.

What should the Catholic Church do?   Support Marriage as Jesus asked them to do.


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