The Lost Children.
Marx and Engels reinterpreted the matter of women as a class issue. In his 1884 work 'The Origen of the Family, Private Property and the State' Engels wrote "The first class antagonism appearing in history, coincides with the development of the antagonism of man and wife in monogamy, and the first class oppression with that of the female by the male sex. He saw integration of women into the production process as a necessary condition for their liberation To Communist Revolutionaries 'bourgeois morals' impeded achievement of the classless society because it was in marriage that the first class antagonism arose".
All sexual revolutions in the twentieth century have their spiritual roots in Marxism. It did not bother leftist intellectuals a bit that those executing this ideology subjugated entire peoples through State terror and slaughtered countless millions who stood in the way of their "Utopia" Apparently not every ideology is discredited by the mass murder it brings.
Gabriele Kuby
There are voices in the UK Parliament today that are keen on another Marxist Revolution. Of course they protest that the brutality and slaughter of the original revolution is not their way. But we can only judge them by what they say and how they act. Will the teachings of Christ be permitted by them when they are in power. Yes, we hear the shout for the poor, but what has created this poverty? It is their own antagonism towards marriage and the family, the total neglect of the needs of children for loving relationships at the beginning of their lives, by seeing the schools and even nurseries as the proper place to indoctrinate children on sexism, their promotion of gay marriage as an alternative lifestyles, and their promotion of marriage being equal whether it is between a man and a woman, or people of the same sex. Promiscuity is encouraged by the giving out of condoms in schools, and the sex drive is irresistible when their are no constraints. Young women on finding theses pregnant are given the option of killing their child or becoming single mothers. Many will not kill their bab and face a lifetime of poverty, and drifting from one relationship to another because their ability to love and be loved is gone. All they have is their sexual drive. But they serve a purpose. They are the poor that politicians have encouraged so that they can make themselves popular in their speeches as to how they will look after them.
It is amazing just how little knowledge of this world the Catholic Church has. I first came into that world when one day I saw a large girl on top of a little one punching her on the face. It turned out they were sisters to different fathers. I got to know them and through them so many others. I still have contact today with, of all things, their children, who with no father are now going through the same hurt and neglect. They are children with no future but to grow up and be used and abused. Perhaps in writing this I can be criticised. I always am. But I know and feel for these children, and I do wish they could know Jesus and his teachings especially on Marriage, and not follow the secular agenda of many, even within the Catholic Church. Marxism does not make people equal, it creates an underclass of people who cannot contribute to the economy, this underclass mothers the unskilled mothers who decide to support their children. They are fodder for their politics before the revolution, but when they are in control they are compulsory sterilised and forced to have abortions. It is a brave New World they are building, and as we have seen in the United States in Seattle and Minneapolis a mob has taken over these cities with the co-operation of the Democrats, and indeed there is no peaceful occupation as the Democrats try to tell us.
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