The Warning of Our Lady of Fatima
In 1917, over 70,000 people went to Fatima to see a miracle. It had been promised and from all over Portugal people, including journalists and atheists, arrived there some to scoff when nothing happened, and others out of hope that their faith would be rewarded. Nobody left Fatima scoffing for a miracle did happen. But 70,000 witnesses were not enough for those who had not been there, and even in the Catholic Church there are those, 'mature' people, who are not interested.
The Queen of Heaven, Our Mother Mary, had come to warn us about a new ideology which had had its beginnings in a country called Russia. She told the Church that unless Russia was converted then it would spread its errors throughout the world, asked us to say the Rosary, and dedicate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Now I do not know why at that time the dedication was not made, and I will not go into controversy, but one thing is certain, it makes to difference today whether Russia is dedicated or not, for her errors have spread throughout the world. Just think how our Mother must feel, she loves us so much, and yet she is rejected by so many Catholics. She warned us about Hell, and the lost souls who go there, AS WAS TAUGHT BY HER SON JESUS IN THE GOSPELS, she begged us for penance and reparation, but the Church seemed to stand still and allow the agents of Satan to destroy her. Now the Church seems to be irrelevant to the world.
What is this agenda that Mary warned us about. It was Marxism or Communism, where God was no longer relevant, and the teachings of Jesus on the dignity of the human being as being a person of worth and value, destined for Heaven, was to be replaced by the person as someone who only fulfils his life by obeying and working for the state, he or she had no value in himself or herself. Marriage was to be tolerated but the wife must be free from domination by her husband. Marxism does not mention love, it has no time for such a word, it is only relationships. Thus the wife is free to leave the husband and the husband the wife. The children are the property of the State and the parents must teach what the State teaches. Children are free to condemn their parents for anti-state activities. It is impossible for a loving family to survive in such circumstances, where the need for love, something which differentiates humans from the animal world, cannot be fulfilled. It is an agenda which brings despair and hopelessness, since the soul of man desires to be loved.
Yet this agenda is happening all around us today. We can, if we look, see among us the unloved and unwanted children, the destruction by mothers of the very babies in their wombs, the so called 'liberated' walking away from their wives or husbands and their children, young men using women and if there is a pregnancy they just walk away, leaving the unmarried mother to fend for herself and her child
So in this situation what does Mary ask of us? She ask the Church to preach the gospel of Christ without fear. If Christ says something is wrong and sinful then the Church says something is wrong and sinful. Bishop and priests are not there to unite people and make small communities, and be praise for their 'understanding and compassion' when they ignore the Gospel and give false teaching. They are there to save souls and to teach what Christ taught, whatever the difficulties they have to face in doing so. We need a Church that points to the true meaning of love. We do not have one at the moment. But if the Church dies then humanity is finished.
The Queen of Heaven, Our Mother Mary, had come to warn us about a new ideology which had had its beginnings in a country called Russia. She told the Church that unless Russia was converted then it would spread its errors throughout the world, asked us to say the Rosary, and dedicate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Now I do not know why at that time the dedication was not made, and I will not go into controversy, but one thing is certain, it makes to difference today whether Russia is dedicated or not, for her errors have spread throughout the world. Just think how our Mother must feel, she loves us so much, and yet she is rejected by so many Catholics. She warned us about Hell, and the lost souls who go there, AS WAS TAUGHT BY HER SON JESUS IN THE GOSPELS, she begged us for penance and reparation, but the Church seemed to stand still and allow the agents of Satan to destroy her. Now the Church seems to be irrelevant to the world.
What is this agenda that Mary warned us about. It was Marxism or Communism, where God was no longer relevant, and the teachings of Jesus on the dignity of the human being as being a person of worth and value, destined for Heaven, was to be replaced by the person as someone who only fulfils his life by obeying and working for the state, he or she had no value in himself or herself. Marriage was to be tolerated but the wife must be free from domination by her husband. Marxism does not mention love, it has no time for such a word, it is only relationships. Thus the wife is free to leave the husband and the husband the wife. The children are the property of the State and the parents must teach what the State teaches. Children are free to condemn their parents for anti-state activities. It is impossible for a loving family to survive in such circumstances, where the need for love, something which differentiates humans from the animal world, cannot be fulfilled. It is an agenda which brings despair and hopelessness, since the soul of man desires to be loved.
Yet this agenda is happening all around us today. We can, if we look, see among us the unloved and unwanted children, the destruction by mothers of the very babies in their wombs, the so called 'liberated' walking away from their wives or husbands and their children, young men using women and if there is a pregnancy they just walk away, leaving the unmarried mother to fend for herself and her child
So in this situation what does Mary ask of us? She ask the Church to preach the gospel of Christ without fear. If Christ says something is wrong and sinful then the Church says something is wrong and sinful. Bishop and priests are not there to unite people and make small communities, and be praise for their 'understanding and compassion' when they ignore the Gospel and give false teaching. They are there to save souls and to teach what Christ taught, whatever the difficulties they have to face in doing so. We need a Church that points to the true meaning of love. We do not have one at the moment. But if the Church dies then humanity is finished.
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