But how can you recite my commandments and take my covenant on your lips
You who despise my law
and throw my words to the winds?          Psalm 49.

I have just started reading a book called 'The Global Sexual Revolution'    It is written by a German Sociologist Gabriele Kuby.   At the beginning of the book she writes:-

"A person sexualised from childhood is taught it is right to live out all your instincts without reflection.   It is wrong for you to set boundaries for them.    He uses his own body and the bodies of other people, for satisfying his sex drive, instead of for expressing personal love.   This drive is powerful, for it has the task of ensuring the survival of humankind.   The person who does not learn to cultivate it for the expression of love and the creation of new life is ruled by it.    A person driven in this way loses his freedom.   He no longer hears the voice of his conscience.   He loses the ability to love, and the ability to bond.   He loses the desire to give children the gift of life.   He becomes incapable of cultural achievement.   He becomes mentally and physically sick".

OK Gabriele has said quite a lot here.   But let me fit what she says into life experiences.   A young  girl is flattered by a boy and decides to date him.    They go out, perhaps for a meal, or a walk and at the end of the evening the girl finds she is somewhere alone with the boy who kisses her first then makes demands of her she had not expected.   She struggles but he insists and eventually she is raped.     The boy goes on his way contented with little regard for the girl who goes on her way deeply hurt.   He has scored.    Gradually she learns from other girls that that is what 'love' is about - the wonderful release and experience of their emotions.   Some girls cope but some get pregnant and another taboo may be faced.  How do you live with a baby?    The girl is just abandoned by the boy who after all was just having fun.   So she becomes a single parent or is pressured by others to kill her baby by law.  
Now wanting to enjoy their freedom, many women want to be like men and just have sex when they want it from anyone they choose, so they welcome's the legal killing.  But in this wonderful sexual revolution why should anyone get married, and if they do since it is more likely to be a sexual partnership than any form of love or care for the other person, marriage becomes very unpopular, switching parters when you are tired becomes the norm.    And having been used and abandoned so often by men, women no longer trust anyone.

It is into such a society that children are born.    Many will be born to girls who have been abandoned by the fathers, and they will be socially disadvantaged in a society which demands both parents should work in order to live a reasonable life.    So the single parent families become the families living in 'relative poverty' as the politicians tell us, and use at every election.     Indeed they are now called just another model of 'family' despite the harm it is doing to the children, emotionally and to their future.   Nobody really cares.   Sad to say this can also be said of the Catholic Church.    The destruction of the family is very high in the socialist agenda, and sadly there are too many socialists within the Church.    In schools, children are taught contraception so that they do not get pregnant as schoolchildren, but there is little follow up by the  teachers who helped them when they leave school.   They do not know, and do not want to know, the fruit of their maturity.     They go to Church for comfort on a Sunday but they despise the words of Jesus on Adultery and Marriage, and as the Psalm quoted says  "They throw His Words to the Winds"        


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