
Showing posts from July, 2020

A study on Hydroxychloroquine

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have been found to be efficient on SARS-CoV-2, and reported to be efficient in Chinese COV-19 patients. We evaluate the role of hydroxychloroquine on respiratory viral loads. Patients and methods French Confirmed COVID-19 patients were included in a single arm protocol from early March to March 16th, to receive 600mg of hydroxychloroquine daily and their viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs was tested daily in a hospital setting. Depending on  their clinical presentation, azithromycin was added to the treatment. Untreated patients from another center and cases refusing the protocol were included as negative controls. Presence and absence of virus at Day6-post inclusion was considered the end point. Results Six patients were asymptomatic, 22 had upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and eight had lower respiratory tract infection symptoms. Twenty cases were treated in this study and showed a significant reduction of the viral carriage at D6...

The Warning of Our Lady of Fatima

In 1917, over 70,000 people went to Fatima to see a miracle.    It had been promised and from all over Portugal people, including journalists and atheists, arrived there some to scoff when nothing happened, and others out of hope that their faith would be rewarded.      Nobody left Fatima scoffing for a miracle did happen.   But 70,000 witnesses were not enough for those who had not been there, and even in the Catholic Church there are those, 'mature' people, who are not interested. The Queen of Heaven, Our Mother Mary, had come to warn us about a new ideology which had had its beginnings in a country called Russia.    She told the Church that unless Russia was converted then it would spread its errors throughout the world, asked us to say the Rosary, and dedicate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.    Now I do not know why at that time the dedication was not made, and I will not go into controversy, but one thing is certain, it makes to d...

Why I do not support 'Black Lives Matter'

If you want to know why the mainstream media isn’t covering these attacks — and many have wondered — it’s no secret. They don’t want to expose this movement for what it is — a sham of racial equality and a revolt against the rule of law rooted in the transcendent truth of God. Once that foundation for government is gone, and these zealots are coming for it, it’s only a matter of time before America is a hollowed shell ready for transformation. I have been astonished at how well planned and organised the 'Black Lives Matter' was.   Indeed should l not ask just  how many organisations including the media, universities, governments, and Marxists worldwide managed to manipulate so many honest people into the idea that this was just peaceful people calling for their rights, when the peaceful part included rioting, breaking shops windows followed by a smash and grab for the goods inside, the murder of a 77 year old ex police officer who was black, and the taking...

On Marriage.

Whether the World, with all its beauty and awesome features, was made by a Creator or by Magic, there is no doubt that there is order in everything.   If I plant the seed of a flower it will grow into a flower.   We have no doubt about that whatsoever, for the seed has its inbuilt code.   Scientists can then tell us of their discoveries that there is a process called photosynthesis, and that the plant will absorb carbon and give out oxygen.  The same is true of everything that grows from the soil.  And Science tells us that the plants that breathe in carbon give out oxygen, so that plant and animal life sustain each other.   This is the order in nature. In the animal kingdom there is also order.   Nature has made them male and female and for one purpose, which is that just as the seeds of pants and trees come from trees and plants for the continuation of trees and plants, so in the animal kingdom the role of the male and the female is to beget childr...

The Sex Revolution Within The Church.

The Catalyst for the Sexual Revolution was of course Contraception.   I lived in the 1960's and watched morality being replaced by the freedom to enjoy sex through Contraception.    The Church was not ready for this revolution, which was pushed by enemies within.   Catholic Parents felt betrayed.    I hear from many good Catholics that the Church knew of the safe periods in a woman's cycle, which could have helped many, yet did nothing to advise even in the worst circumstances.    By giving no leadership the Church drifted into a mess.   In the 1960's the Church became under pressure to make a ruling on the matter of contraception. Now I was young then and the media was pushing the idea that, yes, the Church would allow Contraception.   Unfortunately I could not see how it could, as an institution founded by Jesus Christ which condemned Contraception for two thousand years, under the Authority of the Chair of Peter, it was impossible, ...

On Turning the Tide

So what did Jesus have against Adultery and why was he so rigid about Divorce?   In Mathew 19 Jesus is asked about Divorce.  "Is it agains the Law for a man to divorce his wife on any pretext whatsoever?"   Notice 'on any pretest whatsoever ever', it is just what is happening today.    Jesus replied "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator made them male and female.   And then he said "This is why a man leaves his father and his mother and becomes attached to his wife and the two become one flesh.    They are no longer two but one flesh,  so then what God has united human beings must not divide"    There is an objection raised to this rigid Jesus.   "But Moses allowed it"  To which Jesus replied "It was because you were so hard-hearted but from the beginning it was not so,  NOW I SAY TO YOU, ANYONE WHO DIVORCES HIS WIFE, AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT AFFAIRS OR ILLICIT MARRIAGES, {FORNICATION},  AND MA...

These are the Last Days: Is the Church Battle Ready?

What is the answer to poverty in the UK, given that the majority of the poor are single parent families?.   It is sad that in the Catholic Church there are those, priests and laity, who cannot make the connection, who talk about Jesus and his message of love, yet have reduced his teachings to mere opinion on the matters of sex and morality.   They turn their backs on the concept of chastity and the indissolubility of Christians Marriage.   They even ignore the need to overcome original sin by the effect of self control and the gifts of grace.   They tell our young that 'they are born with these temptations so do not worry about them'.   They young of course know false teaching, and turn away from them, and never hear the true teachings of the Church, many into  a life of sin and often misery. Yet still fans teachers justify their stance.   "We are more loving, we are more understanding, we are not rigid"   At first glance, as the Church condemns...

The Lost Children.

Marx and Engels reinterpreted the matter of women as a class issue.  In his 1884 work 'The Origen of the Family, Private Property and the State'  Engels wrote "The first class antagonism appearing in history, coincides with the development of the antagonism of man and wife in monogamy, and the first class oppression with that of the female by the male sex.   He saw integration of women into the production process as a necessary condition for their liberation     To Communist Revolutionaries 'bourgeois morals' impeded achievement of the classless society because it was in marriage that the first class antagonism arose". All sexual revolutions in the twentieth century have their spiritual roots in Marxism.   It did not bother leftist intellectuals a bit that those executing this ideology subjugated entire peoples through State terror and slaughtered countless millions who stood in ...


But how can you recite my commandments and take my covenant on your lips You who despise my law and throw my words to the winds?          Psalm 49. I have just started reading a book called 'The Global Sexual Revolution'    It is written by a German Sociologist Gabriele Kuby.   At the beginning of the book she writes:- "A person sexualised from childhood is taught it is right to live out all your instincts without reflection.   It is wrong for you to set boundaries for them.    He uses his own body and the bodies of other people, for satisfying his sex drive, instead of for expressing personal love.   This drive is powerful, for it has the task of ensuring the survival of humankind.   The person who does not learn to cultivate it for the expression of love and the creation of new life is ruled by it.    A person driven in this way loses his freedom.   He no longer hears the voice of...