An advisor to a Christian charity CAFOD (Catholic Association for Overseas Development), Tina Beattie, has recently signed a letter to the Polish Bishops whose country is currently introducing legislation that would completely protect the right to life of unborn children. In the letter she argues against the equal right to life of all members of the human family, and in favour of “early, safe and legal” abortion for disabled babies.
Professor Tina Beattie, based at the University of Roehampton, is a member of the Theological Reference Group of CAFOD and has informed their policy several times. As well as her role in CAFOD, she is a contributor and theological advisor to the Christian magazine, The Tablet.
Her support for abortion, and particularly for babies with disabilities, is disgraceful. Anyone who recognises the right to life of all human beings regardless of their age or ability should not accept such a position from someone who claims to be a Christian theologian.
In advocating for laws which would discriminate against disabled people, Professor Beattie has shown herself to be utterly incapable of holding her position on an advisory group for a charity which purports to be Christian.
Whilst abortion is never the solution to an unplanned pregnancy, we can all recognise the difficulty which a woman in that situation might face. The approach advocated by Professor Beattie, and others like her, however, would try to solve an inconvenient life by ending it (i.e. by killing the baby). Rather than this, surely we should be working to remove the ‘crisis’ and not the pregnancy.
So often, abortion is seen as the only response to foetal disability. This is because:
1. Many parents whose children have been given a diagnosis of foetal disability have experienced a presumption within the medical profession that they would opt for abortion.
2. There is a lack of information and support for parents who want continue carrying a disabled child, or for those who might be considering adoption.
Professor Beattie, is reinforcing precisely the kind of attitude and culture which tolerates and promotes this sort of discrimination against the unborn.
Sign this petition to Chris Bain the Director of CAFOD, asking that he do all in his power to ensure that Professor Beattie is immediately removed from her position on the Theological Advisory Group. She is lobbying for the discriminatory killing of the disabled unborn child and has shown herself unfit to be part of a Christian group.


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