The Bishop's Letter on Amoris Laetitia

Bishop Egan wrote a very interesting letter last week which should have turned up in local Churches. Strange indeed then that in many parishes it was not available.  I get the feeling that if he had spoken about the divorced and remarried and the question of communion in a sympathetic way,  that is to just follow conscience and ignore Jesus, it would have been more welcome.   As it was the Bishop went into the other parts of the document talking about the psychology of children who are the victims, and even daring to say when someone enters an irregular marriage part of the guilt may lie with others.   No, not those nice people who do so much for the poor.  Who  talk about love all the time.  Not them surely.

In this 'The Church is about me and my Needs' age who gives a damn about the young people without parents,    Who gives a damn about the young person growing up hurt and deprived who because of this can never make a relationship last.   We must not mention what they do not want to hear.   After all they give so much to the poor, and indeed there'll be a triumphalist exhibition of this in Basingstoke soon.   But none of those children will be there.    Despite this the them will be 'LOV E'      


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