CATHOLIC WORLD REPORT 3) He distinguishes (following John Paul II's Familiaris Consortio) between the different concepts of the “law of gradualness” (which he affirms, AL 295), which is a step-by-step moral advance, and the “gradualness of the law,” meaning thereby that there are “different degrees or forms of precept in God's law for different individuals and situations” (FC 34), which he says that he rejects. With respect to the law of gradualness, Francis urges us, in view of the undeniable challenges of our time, “to present marriage more as a dynamic path to personal development and fulfilment than as a lifelong burden” (AL 37). He adds, “This is not a ‘gradualness of law’ but rather a gradualness in the prudential exercise of free acts on the part of subjects who are not in a position to understand, appreciate, or fully carry out the objective demands of the law” (AL 295).
The above criticism was offered by Catholic World Report and I think it gets to the heart of what is dividing the Church on Amoris Laetitia.
Let us take the the story of a couple who divorce or separate. They probably were never prepared for marriage in the first place. More often that not there has been sexual encounters before marriage and free from restraints again they begin further liaisons. It would be very useful to read Humanae Vitae then go on to why we now have Pope Francis giving this exhortation. Contraception destroyed our young people and Pope Paul warned about this. In fact the practice of contraception among young people leading to sexual diseases, abortions, and unfaithfulness in marriage has led to this point where good marriages 'in our society' are described in an 'ideal', in the Church thought to describe the Sacrament of Marriage as an ideal is an insult to Christ. It is a measure of the failure of the post-Vatican II Church that the morals of our young seem to be no concern of many bishops and priests. So there is the situation. Through the failure of the Church a young person finds himself or herself divorced and remarried. The second marriage was against the laws of the Church but there was little thought given to the situation. They are living with the norms of our secular society. Time passes and there is family with children who give love and receive love from a Father and Mother who also love one another. Suddenly one partner, or both, matures and desire communion with God. Now they meet full force with the teachings, not of the Church but of Christ. Yes, they sinned when they remarried and their lack of knowledge does not excuse them, but what can they do to keep their family together for one partner cannot walk out with the children who are in a loving situation. Now that is the 'undeniable challenge' of our time. To be legalistic and tell them if they want God they must part is very unhelpful. They cannot undo what they have done but as the years go on the situation can change as sex plays a smaller role in their relationships. What Pope Francis is saying is that we should accompany them on this journey, show that we are a caring Church, and help them in their difficulties. WE are not their judges, God is.
But of course the person or couple must play their part. Whatever the measure of culpability they have done something that is wrong. So the Church ask them to refrain from taking Holy Communion until they are free from the impediment and receiving the Love of God and his Graces by attending Church.
The sad thing however is that in the Church there are those who are divorced and remarri4ed who do not really give a damn. They do not listen to the Church which means they do not listen to Christ in the Gospel yet go for Communion in a spirt of pride which they call conscience. They have the support of prelates and bishops who have also lost their faith in the teachings of Jesus and who even now are trying to twist the words of Francis to mean there is real change in Doctrine. They will cry "Lord, Lord" but will be surprised when Jesus tells them "I know you not"
The above criticism was offered by Catholic World Report and I think it gets to the heart of what is dividing the Church on Amoris Laetitia.
Let us take the the story of a couple who divorce or separate. They probably were never prepared for marriage in the first place. More often that not there has been sexual encounters before marriage and free from restraints again they begin further liaisons. It would be very useful to read Humanae Vitae then go on to why we now have Pope Francis giving this exhortation. Contraception destroyed our young people and Pope Paul warned about this. In fact the practice of contraception among young people leading to sexual diseases, abortions, and unfaithfulness in marriage has led to this point where good marriages 'in our society' are described in an 'ideal', in the Church thought to describe the Sacrament of Marriage as an ideal is an insult to Christ. It is a measure of the failure of the post-Vatican II Church that the morals of our young seem to be no concern of many bishops and priests. So there is the situation. Through the failure of the Church a young person finds himself or herself divorced and remarried. The second marriage was against the laws of the Church but there was little thought given to the situation. They are living with the norms of our secular society. Time passes and there is family with children who give love and receive love from a Father and Mother who also love one another. Suddenly one partner, or both, matures and desire communion with God. Now they meet full force with the teachings, not of the Church but of Christ. Yes, they sinned when they remarried and their lack of knowledge does not excuse them, but what can they do to keep their family together for one partner cannot walk out with the children who are in a loving situation. Now that is the 'undeniable challenge' of our time. To be legalistic and tell them if they want God they must part is very unhelpful. They cannot undo what they have done but as the years go on the situation can change as sex plays a smaller role in their relationships. What Pope Francis is saying is that we should accompany them on this journey, show that we are a caring Church, and help them in their difficulties. WE are not their judges, God is.
But of course the person or couple must play their part. Whatever the measure of culpability they have done something that is wrong. So the Church ask them to refrain from taking Holy Communion until they are free from the impediment and receiving the Love of God and his Graces by attending Church.
The sad thing however is that in the Church there are those who are divorced and remarri4ed who do not really give a damn. They do not listen to the Church which means they do not listen to Christ in the Gospel yet go for Communion in a spirt of pride which they call conscience. They have the support of prelates and bishops who have also lost their faith in the teachings of Jesus and who even now are trying to twist the words of Francis to mean there is real change in Doctrine. They will cry "Lord, Lord" but will be surprised when Jesus tells them "I know you not"
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