First Reaction to Amoris Laetitia

I have just read  a couple of comments on the Synodal Exhortation by Pope Francis.  The major winner was of course the Holy Spirit guiding the Church in its infallibility on Faith and Morals and destroying the hopes of those who call themselves Liberal since they do not really believe in the Catholic Church.   As I said before I was alive when the encyclical Humanae Vitae was issued and although I knew doctrine would not change I found it almost miraculous when Pope Paul taught so wonderfully on the subject despite his weakness in allowing the Reformers around him to destroy the teachings of the bishops at Vatican II.  But the Holy Spirit is always there.

Pope Francis was hailed as the greatest Liberal ever to become Pope.   I believe he saw his duty as Pope was to unite the church again and bring Liberals and Traditionalists together.  All he achieved was hostility on both sides.   In his exhortation he remained faithful to the teachings of the Church and was not drawn into the trap of admitting divorced and remarried to Holy Communion nor was he led to acknowledge Gay marriages, merely stating that every child has a right to a father and a mother    But he still came out with little fillets for the Liberals to seize on with his rather schoolboy remarks about the Eucharist not being 'a prize for the perfect but rather a medicine for the weak'.    I do not know anyone at any time who believed they were worthy of Holy Communion and that is why traditionalists would kneel.    Then in an effort to highlight somehow the dreadful way the divorced and remarried or even homosexuals were treated in confession he made the remark that 'Confession should not be a torture chamber but a place of mercy'    I do not know anyone and I have no experienced myself of being assaulted myself in the Confessional.   But as I say these were little fillets for the Liberasl to believe that there was after all things in the exhortation for them, and I have not doubt they will make good use of them.

In the summaries I have read there has been mention of the relationships of Fathers and Mothers, and that every child has a right to a Father and Mother,  he talks about children (why am I the only one interested) and he preaches the right to life from concep[tion to death.   This will be worth reading but it seems that it is of no interest to too many people in the Church.    When i get a copy I will be avidly reading what the Pope said on this subject.


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