Those Horrible Religious Orders and their Threat.
In my town there is the beautiful Church of the Holy Ghost. When my new daughter-in-law of just last Saturday wanted to marry, coming from a non religious background she went around Basingstoke to decide which Catholic Church she wanted to marry in. One was a most definite no and in that she has followed many, one was a maybe, but the winner by far was the Holy Ghost. It is a Church full of beautiful religious art. Although the altar rails were smashed by the Spirit of Vatican II people it remains a beautiful place to worship God.
When the parish relocated to another part of town the Holy Ghost was left empty although services are held there and Masses said a couple of times each week. Now I know many will be asking why did they not ask a religious order to take over? The answer is that the powers that be did not ask any and to ease their conscience said no Order would be interested - although one already was. The truth is that religious orders are very risky for they can start introducing people to acts of Catholic Worship which have been stamped out in the Diocese by the people who have 'moved on'. The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were invited into the Diocese and they started some very inflammatory actions. Do you know that they started the Latim Mass regularly in the parish. They do say the Mass in English but to say it also in Latin - this is anti-revolutionary activity. But worse, and this scandal was reported by the Tablet, they actually allow people to kneel for Holy Communion. And a lady complained vigorously that she was 'forced' to kneel. How dreadful. Can you blame the local priest then full of his modern ways for being aware of these Horrible Religious Orders and not being too keen on their practices. We are of course all Catholics but some are more Catholic than others. We have moved on have we not, and we go to the altar as equals to the host for we also are the Body of Christ and as once I heard someone complain at a Communion prayer "We are worthy" So you can see how upset and suspicious these good people can get when things are done against their will. Even today a few months after the Tablet story Bishop Eagan I am informed is receiving hate mail from these lay members - for the Church now is about the laity and not Jesus Christ.
When the parish relocated to another part of town the Holy Ghost was left empty although services are held there and Masses said a couple of times each week. Now I know many will be asking why did they not ask a religious order to take over? The answer is that the powers that be did not ask any and to ease their conscience said no Order would be interested - although one already was. The truth is that religious orders are very risky for they can start introducing people to acts of Catholic Worship which have been stamped out in the Diocese by the people who have 'moved on'. The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were invited into the Diocese and they started some very inflammatory actions. Do you know that they started the Latim Mass regularly in the parish. They do say the Mass in English but to say it also in Latin - this is anti-revolutionary activity. But worse, and this scandal was reported by the Tablet, they actually allow people to kneel for Holy Communion. And a lady complained vigorously that she was 'forced' to kneel. How dreadful. Can you blame the local priest then full of his modern ways for being aware of these Horrible Religious Orders and not being too keen on their practices. We are of course all Catholics but some are more Catholic than others. We have moved on have we not, and we go to the altar as equals to the host for we also are the Body of Christ and as once I heard someone complain at a Communion prayer "We are worthy" So you can see how upset and suspicious these good people can get when things are done against their will. Even today a few months after the Tablet story Bishop Eagan I am informed is receiving hate mail from these lay members - for the Church now is about the laity and not Jesus Christ.
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