I really got angry this morning. The Biased Broadcasting Corporation I am used to but when politicians jump in with their nonsense trying to prove their humanity I reach for the sick bowl. We have a situation in Syria where people are being rounded up and murdered, where men are being beheaded by savages and some put in a net and burned alive. Where women, girls and even children are being shared out as sex slaves, not to mention the usual killing by bombs and bullets. It is from this that the refugees are fleeing and we are being so very kind, yes, you can come into my home but please do not ask us to get involved in a war we would just make the region unstable. I have never heard such hypocrisy. What could be worse than the brutality the people in Syria face. What could be so worse that it destabilised the region? But again wearing their 'humanity' on their sleeve, certain politicians began attacking the 'real' enemy - the Conservatives. The public was invited to shed tears for a young ISIS fighter who was part of the atrocities committed by ISIS. Was his death justified? We apparently need more information for back home in Britain he was a nice young man. Everything has to be 'transparent'. Well, yes of course it has to be and we now know that the drone that killed him was controlled from RAF Wallington - thank you BBC that information was vital. But of course to be truly humanitarian he who fights for the highest number of refugees we take will go to the top of the class. We are only taking 20,000 it should be 40,000. No, why not make it 100,000 so put me at the top of the class. Yes we can all talk numbers but really it is all a question of logistics. Can we settle them? The number has to be equal to the accommodation we can make available. Nobody seems to bother bout this. It is all just the game of humanity.
So let me just find some accommodation. The Pope has said we should be ready share with the refugees and I am ready to ignore the cowardly politicians and get on with it. The Catholic Church in my area has property they can certainly offer - if anyone gets round to think about the subject. there are two large houses and flats that could be used immediately, or the flats converted into family homes. I wait to see if I have to draw attention to them. We must pray for all families and cherish all families whatever race or religion for families are the building blocks of civil society. God bless the refugees.
So let me just find some accommodation. The Pope has said we should be ready share with the refugees and I am ready to ignore the cowardly politicians and get on with it. The Catholic Church in my area has property they can certainly offer - if anyone gets round to think about the subject. there are two large houses and flats that could be used immediately, or the flats converted into family homes. I wait to see if I have to draw attention to them. We must pray for all families and cherish all families whatever race or religion for families are the building blocks of civil society. God bless the refugees.
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