All AUTHORITY is given to me in Heaven and on Earth, go therefore and baptise all nations in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL I HAVE COMMANDED YOU.   MATTHEW 28.

If anyone says they will take you back to basics on the Catholic Faith that is where they must start.  They must recognise that Jesus passed on His AUTHORITY to the Church.   He did not authorise a book to be written and leave each individual to struggle with the book and at the end 'follow their own conscience'

He did not just teach people to love one another and give to the poor He wanted his Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.    What would his will be?  That through a moral framework we would indeed be able to find Heaven on earth and he gave us this moral framework in the things he had commanded to the apostles which his followers would observe.

This moral framework is built around the family.   Mark 10 tells us how Jesus spoke out fiercely against divorce and he did not worry about how many divorced people were listening to Him for the moral principle was too important.     There is a great debate on marriage going on in the Church and proud and arrogant people are claiming the Church can change this teaching and ignore Jesus, for Jesus is compassionate and understanding.   But it was because he was compassionate and understanding that he spoke out against Divorce.   He saw the hurt and pain that came with divorce and especially the damage to the lives of children.   Children?  Do you know in all the stances made on the coming Synod on the family children get no mention whatsoever.   It is all about adult rights to do this and do that.   If you have never bothered to look at the hurt in a child or the damage divorce does to children  then it is indeed better that a halter was put around your neck and you were thrown into the sea.    "But they get through it" comes the making reply.  Do they?   Because I open my eyes I could write a book on the subject.  And the greatest poverty in Britain is among single parents.

So that is the next basic of Catholicism.  The building of a society based on the moral principle of the importance of marriage, so  important that infidelity and adultery destroys it.

Let us get back to basics by all means but let us introduce something that has been missing for almost 50 years - honesty.  


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