The eleven made their way to the mountain.."And when they saw him they fell to their knees though some hesitated"  Matthew 28.

The words of the title refer of course to what St Paul wrote and the hymn is sung in many Christian Churches though the knee does not bow for that is something Roman Catholic.  In St Matthew  we read how the eleven fell to their knees.  Why?   Because this was not just a human but God Made Man and they knelt in submission and humility.  Yes, some hesitated, they still had doubts, but it was just a hesitation and eventually they too knelt with the others sharing that humility.

When scripture attests to it, when generations practiced it, when God Made Man is present in the Sacred Host as He was on the mountain, why in the Portsmouth Diocese are there those who would come between Christ and his people.   Who would make us stand when we want to kneel, who would our God Made Man from the altars so that we cannot pray and Adore Him, and Yes, we even have the blasphemy of a Church being built where it was made impossible for the people to kneel by the simple removal of any kneelers on the seats.   And in the same Church I met a young man who had come to pray and he asked me "Where is the Blessed Sacrament?"  There I said pointing to a tree.  "But where is the Blessed Sacrament" he insisted.  I was embarrassed.  When the 'Church'  was first opened there was not even a chair pointed in the direction of the tree, the backs of the chairs if you like pointed to the blasphemy.  Priests who have inherited this parish have tried to make things right by relining the chairs and offering guidance but they cannot hide the blasphemy which brought this affair about.

Now we hear of people being forced to kneel.   Listen to Jesus again  ..HE who eats of this bread will live forever and I will raise HIM  up on the last day.....   Notice he did no use the word 'THEY'.   We will not be judged as a Community but as individuals.   There will be no parishes admitted to heaven, or any community.   The Blessed Sacrament is for me like the eleven individual disciples on the mountain to fall down and adore.  There will be those who hesitate then do so, but there will be those who lack humility and refuse, that is their affair, but forcing others not to kneel will be answerable on Judgement Day.    


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