Hello Europe - does anyone out there know what they are doing?

"We must not get involved, we only make matters worse!"   That is the usual response to any question of military involvement against ISIS.    Well it is true our interventions have usually made a mess of things but that is because we always attacked the wrong people.    There is a mental disease that makes the Western leaders think that all they have to do is set up democracies.    They do not understand the tribal nature of peoples in the middle East that makes peace between them impossible unless there is a dictatorship.

But there is another point that the West ignores.  Under both Saddam Hussein and Giraffe Christians were free from persecution and could practice their faith freely.   When both of these were removed Christians were rounded up, told to move on, or executed.   Saddam Hussein did not do this, Giddafi did not do this, and President Assad of Syria does not do this.   Yet while Christians are tortured and beheaded or crucified, women, girls and young children handed out as sex slaves it seems that the real villain in the piece is President Assad.   He has to go shouts David Cameron, the puppet of President Obama.  Now I am not saying Assad is a saint by any means but lack of support for him has made the war against ISIS turn into a terrible farce.   There are boots on the ground in the form of a now Russian backed Syrian Army and while they fight on America carries out aimless bombing raids.  They do not do this as any kind of support for the Syrian troops but I suspect that it is Obama just pointing two fingers at Assad.    The aimless bombings lead to nothing whereas if they were co-ordinated with the Syrian army we could end this war in not time.

Now we are reaping the bitter harvest of the short sightedness of Obama and Cameron.   It began as a trickle of boats going over the Mediterranean and this allowed the refugees free access to Europe.   Many drowned but as we can see today the vast majority did not and were conveyed quite comfortably into a borderless Europe.    That the trickle would turn into a flood was quite predictable and indeed politicians like Nigel Farage tried topoint this out, but the European Parliament and leaders did nothing but merely assume they would cope.    And when the flood became a torrent they were still optimistic until suddenly they realised they were in a mess and admitted by setting up borders that they could not cope after all.    So now we have refugees wandering around Europe quite helpless and lost  and all because of their stupidity.

One part of this story is only whispered by the Media.   What part did ISIS play in all this and how many of their fighters are now safely installed in European cities waiting for the time to make mischief.   Are we really expected to believe that once in Europe they would let border checks  bar their progress?  Even the Pope has spoken of the danger of ISIS and instructed Catholics to only take families and not individuals since he claims this would help reduce the risk of boarding ISIS fighters.  What the Pope does not know is that even families can all be dedicated to ISIS but credit to him for recognising the situation which the Biased Broadcasting Service and others refuse to acknowledge.              


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