Why are professed non-Catholics running Catholic Parishes?
The Catholic world is still reeling at the injustice done to the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Had a family who were accused of obtaining property from the Order not gone to an Italian Court a Fr Vosper representing some kind of judgemental tribunal in the Vatican would have got away with his treachery. Indeed the humbled priest had to admit that he had lied in order to close down this traditional order. There is indeed filth in the Vatican as Pope Benedict remarked and it seems impossible to be rid of them. But what about Parish level. How can people who have rejected the teachings of Vatican II Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, and did so in the past by claiming Vatican II changed everything still believe that the phrase we have moved on gives them any credibility. The phrase we have moved on given at a time when they were being presented with Catholic teaching, and their insistence that they know best how to run the parish, surely marks them as people who far from being proud should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. We Catholics who are faithful to the Church have certain rights.
Our children have a right to receive Holy Communion in accordance with Catholic teaching at the . age of seven
Our children receiving Holy Communion have a right to love and adore Jesus in the sacred species
Catholics have a right to kneel for Communion and this should be facilitated. First Holy
Commuicants also have this right if the parents wish.
Would be converts have a right to be taught the specific teachings of the Catholic Church
before they are baptised. Taking them from where they are and leaving them there is
insulting. Little wonder few stay.
Devotions to our Mother Mary is part of the Catholic Faith and children have a
right to be taught about their mother.
Catechists should be faithful to the teachings of the Church, go to Confession, and not
corrupting the children with their views.
The priest is acting on behalf of the Bishop and he is in charge of the Parish. He can act with
those who further his ministry. NO OTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE speaks for the parish
nor were they elected to speak for the parish. Traditions are formed by the
parishioners acting with the priest and can change.
Our children have a right to receive Holy Communion in accordance with Catholic teaching at the . age of seven
Our children receiving Holy Communion have a right to love and adore Jesus in the sacred species
Catholics have a right to kneel for Communion and this should be facilitated. First Holy
Commuicants also have this right if the parents wish.
Would be converts have a right to be taught the specific teachings of the Catholic Church
before they are baptised. Taking them from where they are and leaving them there is
insulting. Little wonder few stay.
Devotions to our Mother Mary is part of the Catholic Faith and children have a
right to be taught about their mother.
Catechists should be faithful to the teachings of the Church, go to Confession, and not
corrupting the children with their views.
The priest is acting on behalf of the Bishop and he is in charge of the Parish. He can act with
those who further his ministry. NO OTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE speaks for the parish
nor were they elected to speak for the parish. Traditions are formed by the
parishioners acting with the priest and can change.
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