The Sword of Damocles

So what really happened to the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.   The Order was apparently closed down by some kind of judicial Commissioner for the Vatican a Fr Volpi.    His reasons stated was that the property of the Order was being confiscated by the families of the Friars and Nuns or maybe just handed out.   So it was closed down for Corruption.    The Friars had no redress but their families had and the founder of the order belonged to the Minelli family who took the matter to an Italian Court.  In Italy they have a mediation service before the matter is referred to the Court at which both sides attended.  Fr Volpi apparently took some kind of guilt in the matter and admitted he had somehow got the facts wrong.   I do not think he admitted to lying but perhaps he did.   In any case a document was signed which settled the affair.   Or so we thought.  But I guess it was hoped that the matter would not be made public but public it was certainly made and Fr Volpi now finds himself being called a liar by the world.    So what happened next is that already having signed the conciliatory document Fr Volpi has withdrawn his signature and the case will now go to Court.   My conjecture is that the Vatican is hoping for some kind of miracle so that this Sword of Damacles now hanging over it will somehow disappear.  So do not mention this case to anyone unless in whispers.


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