We Have Moved On - have we not?

I was remarking in my past post that in the first document of Vatican II Lumen Gentium the subject of the hierarchical Church, the infallibility of the Pope, Mary and the saints were all covered.   Indeed in the 1970 s I remember seeing copies of the document in the growing dissident households.   It would appear though that they were never read and if they were it was in that great logic of the Spirit of Vatican II it is not what the document says but it is what it meant to say.   Well that is clear enough isn t it.   Of course that is how many of the reformers now read the Bible it was not so much what Jesus said it was the spirit of the age in which he said it.    So today the story of the woman taken in adultery should read  ...and Jesus said  Go and sin no more.  Then the woman replied  Master I can see  you are a very forgiving man so I will have to use my conscience here.  You see I really need the money.    So the question arises which Jesus should we follow the one who takes insults but we know we can do this or the Jesus who died on the cross for just those kind of things we no longer count as sin.     But WE HAVE MOVED ON.    That is the phrase used parrot fashion in the Church by those who want to arrange things their way.     It was used at the meeting I attended to undermine the teachings of Vatican II.   If you examine the phrase it is nasty and intolerant.   It was used a lot by those who inflicted themselves on my parish.   They did not have to explain the changes they just put people down.   Just think of those millions of people in the Catholic Church now who are described as stupid and backward for not moving forward with the more intelligent.  It is like children in a school telling others to shut up because they know nothing while they know everything.   Yet the reformers insist they are mature adults.   We are in charge so shut up.    There is certainly nothing Christian in those who use it.    But there is the other question if they were contradicting the teachings of Vatican II in such a short time, in full battle array by the 70 s, who started the lying?   No, I will have to accept the facts.   I am just a stupid backward Catholic and they are adults with an adult faith.  They are welcome to it.


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