On Being Bored
I have just read another boring article from a Jesuit priest on the vision of Vatican II. To say it is full of crap is an understatement. I mean when you get down to examine what they say to defend their point of view there is nothing there. Sweeping statements about the Vision of the Fathers which is nowhere in the documents and mention of the Spirit of Vatican II which I presume is where were get the vision from by reading what the documents meant to say rather than what they said. We are carried along by his enthusiasm and told of course of the ground shaking contents of Gaudier et Spes although none of the contents are detailed,. It is just that we should be swept along like him with enthusiasm and actually accepting that because he has mentioned the document then everything he says in contained in it. Actually there is no ground breaking anything in Gaudier et Spes, yes I am making a sweeping statement but I am open to contradiction by anyone which is a great deal more than he is. When are we going to return to a real Mature Faith. Of course there is no mention of Jesus or his teachings which is common among those searching for the Vision. Let me give everyone a thought. When you hear the Pope said this or that do not jump to conclusions. I have never known any Pope to be so misquoted as the present one. From his statement Who am I to Judge but the church has a right to its teachings to but nobody said we should breed like rabbits he is severely misquoted by those who believe his is a traditionalist or a liberal. He actually did say the words in italics but in the first case the full phrase was ignored and in the second he was actually supporting Humane Vitae but lacking diplomacy he uttered that unfortunate phrase and was attacked on all sides. Of course our Jesuit priest ignores the context and makes more sweeping statements about local pastoral care differing in different areas. As I say priests such as this one are just bores today and why people look upon him as some kind of prophet who is putting the Church to rights is beyond me.
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