Catholicism; does it cover the Catholic Faith

Fr Robert Barron spent a long time preparing his series on Catholicism.   It is very spectacular in that it visits places all over the world and in doing this keeps your interest but I am becoming a little sceptical that this will in the end arouse any interest in the Catholic Faith.    I am now ready to attend another meeting and I hope it will be better than the two previous ones.    There was one on Mary which although it mentioned the Council of Ephesus wandered more into Marian Apparitions rather than the teachings of the Church on Mary.   Now nobody is required  to believe in apparitions and I would have liked to have heard more on the teachings of the Church on Mary, especially now that the brainwashing of the Spirit of Vatican II is ending and we are producing priests who are now truly Vatican II in their approach and their teachings.    I am coming to believe that evangelisation will only be possible in the Church if all people over 60 years are given no leadership role in this project.  This age group contains people who were either indoctrinated in the 40s and 50s  or were brainwashed in the 70s and 80s.    Both groups in varying degrees find it hard to adapt to change.    Going back to Fr Barron and Catholicism the last video was on Peter and Paul.   He had little to sat about Peter and spent a long time on Paul.   Peter as head of the Church was ignored and the Petrine text never addressed.   Fr Barron did say however that Paul called Peter Cephas but there was no takers or thoughts on that.   So what Catholic Faith could anyone in that room bring to anyone.  Thank God for the young.


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