The Benefits of an Authentic Liturgy

I have been criticising in the last few posts the state of Catechesis in my parish.   But this is not the whole story for there has been great advances in how the parish worships and indeed how it has restored an authentic Catholic Liturgy.   To some this would mean the Latin Mass but I do not believe that this Mass will ever again be the only Mass that Catholics attend.  The young Vatican II priests coming from the seminaries, and again I emphasise not the Spirit of Vatican II priests, are loyal to the Church in her teachings and are eager indeed to say the Mass in a humble and reverent way, but humility and reverence do not correspond only with a Mass said in Latin.    I am not in saying this trying to take away anything from this Mass, for I believe it is the Mass of the whole Church in which   we can all participate and be at one with whatever our nationality or culture.   Further the Latin Mass brings us back to the early Church and we celebrate Mass in the way our Fathers celebrated it.   It is a treasure that should never be lost.   Many young priests are still drawn to this Mass and it will I believe survive for many ages to come.  But what is most noticeable is that those who are not at least are not  hostile to that Mass.   But going back to the vernacular Mass when this was first introduced there were abuses in the language and abuses in the form.   We know from St Hypolitus in the 3rd century in his Catholic Tradition that the priest would turn to the people and say  The Lord be With You  and he reply would come  And with your Spirit.   This was changed in the pretence that it was meaningless.    Much of scripture was committed.....from the rising of the sun until its setting.....I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof..........The Mass was crying out for the restoration of its scriptural basis.    The changes were made and now we await the changes to the lectionary where the wording of the Gospels has been also changed.   I will not dwell on other matters which if one is perceptive are also changing, very slowly yes, but ongoing.    What is celebrated in my parish now is an authentic liturgy where the priest no longer wants to be the centre of attraction but assumes the person of Christ, the persona Christi, in all that he does and all that he preaches.    He is not afraid of teaching the Authentic Catholic Faith.      This is a great move forward and has been rewarded by an amazing rise in Mass attendance.    Both Masses on a Sunday are full with many standing.   Indeed there may be the question of another Mass.    I am pleased to post this good news and look forward to those changes in Catechesis which will bring back many more of our young people who need guidance and not a think and do what you like approach.


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