February and we still wait for a discussion on the Family
Forty years ago the young people in the Catholic Church in England were betrayed. The novelty around then was the Spirit of Vatican II. Concentration in the Church was on groups of people who enjoyed the novelties and did not care much for the Catholic Faith. Stories were spread about indoctrination in the Catholic Church, children being brainwashed in the fear of Hell, we should concentrate more on our conscience rather than the teachings of Christ. Catholic practices such as processions in honour of Mary, to proclaim the wonder of the Blesserd Sacrament, reciting the Rosary and even saying the Angelus in schools was forbidden and bureaucrats from the diocese came to ensure the schools obeyed. As St Paul had warned us the ravishing wolves had broken into the sheepfold and destroyed the truth. Yes many cried LORD LORD but I suspect on the day of judgement Christ will not know these people. Meanwhile the sufferings of the young were ignored. I attended more that one meeting where scholars laughed at the teaching of the Church on sexual magtters and it meant little that they had come from Christ himself. When questioning the morals of the young that had led to single motherhood, abandoned wives and husbands, the countless numbers of children without a father or mother and suffering in the situation any catholic was simply sneered at or called immature. Everything would be all right under their leadership. But as we know things did not work out all right. But then it was society at fault, it was the changes in the young themselves, etc, never their fault. But it was. Now what is your parish doing to prepare for the Synod on Marriage in October. Will there be any discussions on Marriage or will it be a case of those who boss the priest deciding what we all believe. In my diocese the bishop has prepared an programme called Anchor specifically on marriage. But we who are immature will not hold our breaths.
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