This Vale of Tears.
I had been following the abuse scandals by the Church in America, that my attention was never turned to France. The statistics startled me. About 3,000 priests abusing children over 70 years. The average age of the children was ten and four out of five were boys. When I was reading about the abuse in America the statistic there was that in the population 80 per cent of the victims were girls and 20 per cent were boys. When however you examined abuse in the Catholic Church sixty per cent were boys and 40 per cent were girls. In France we now see that the figure for boys has risen to 80 per cent. Now I am not going to go into arguments that I am anti-gay, for I am not. But I will say that a gay lifestyle in the Catholic Church without a deep love of chastity and commitment to the love of Christ is obviously a threat to every Catholic child.
But then I dared to print the world 'chastity'. I remember someone laughing at me in my parish some time ago because I dared to oppose the handing out of contraceptives in Catholic schools. The Catholic Schools had removed this guilt nonsense for they were mature, and as I heard from a lecturer at the former La Sainte Union Teachers Training College, the Church has got it all wrong on sex, and as the revised Catechism of Christian Doctrine told us in 1985 you can only commit adultery if a married person is involved. So what is a gay priest to do when sex is just as open in the Church as in Society. I have blog you can look up on S Justin Martyr. He on answering the pagans questions that the brothers and sisters of the Community were engaged in love feasts, rejected this and described the community as one that followed Jesus Christ. They married but did not divorce, those who were unmarried remained chaste until death. Young people remained faithful until marriage. Now look at the Church today. "But all that does not matter. We are all going to heaven anyway so let us not bother with a kingdom on earth like the early Church" Meanwhile Catholic children grow up to become single mothers, abortionists, with mental health problems, their children often feel unloved and unwanted, but these priests do not even notice. It is all about living in the world, so they shrug their shoulders. I do not think they will enjoy the opinion of Christ when they appear before him. But of course, who is Christ? You are not going to ask us to kneel before the Blessed Sacrament are you? Or make us pay for pilgrimages to give thanks to Mary? And we are not going to pray all those childish devotions of love? We got rid of them and the Church is full of thankful teenagesrs.
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