Now Catholics in England Will Have to Fight for Their Faith.
The Battle for the survival of the Catholic Faith in England has now begun in earnest. The Pope has announced a Synod in the Church with, let me say, 'very loose' parameters. Everyone will have a say, whether you are Catholic or Anti-Catholic, whether you practice the faith or not, whether you are of another Faith or not.
Of course who would be the first bishop to react and be obedient to this call of confusion, none other that the former secretary to Bishop Hollis in the Portsmouth Diocese, Bishop Declan Lang. He now has his Cathedral in Bristol to play with, and tries hard in his pretence to follows Christ.
So he gets down to business. His Diocesan Synod. His root and branch Synod - consisting of pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ+ clergy and laity, claims to be implementing the Pope Francis reforms and he is inviting other religions and denominations to take part and address the synod including a female Anglican Bishop. O what an example of open mindedness and charity the bishop thinks himself to be, while all he is doing is emptying Catholic Churches of people who want to follow the teachings of Christ, as he did when he was partnering Bishop Hollis in the Portsmouth Diocese. In fact I once pointed out to the Bishop just how many people he was losing from annual reading of the Diocesan Year Book. His reply was not to publish it ever again. The Diocese eventually found itself in a position where the auditors refused to sign the Diocesan Accounts. Thank God for the immigration of Eastern Europeans and Asian Catholics which started in the 1990's anb brought many Catholics back to out parishes. Let us return to the Bristol Synod. We hear of a Fr. Richard McKay, who organises Masses for LGBTQ+ people, who took part in this Synod. Now I will not condemn this priest for asking this community to come to Mass, we are meant to love and care for all people, but if they are not committed to the teachings of Christ, they must not receive Holy Communion. This Fr Richard would find out if he explored the early church, especially St Justin Martyr, the Christian community were very protective of the 'flesh of Jesus', a teaching which went back to the writings of Pope Clement, who believed in the sacrifice of the Mass, and St Ignatius of Antioch, who condemned those who did not believe in the 'flesh of Jesus', as we would say today 'The Real Presence'. They were contemporaries of the Apostles. The Community also believed very much in Marriage without divorce, and chastity for those who did not marry. And their appeal to the pagan community was this for this time an extraordinary way of life.
Instead of this nonsense may I recommend to Bishop Declan Lang that he immediately conforms to honesty and starts reading the Early Church Fathers before he talks about simple meals. I noticed when I visited his Cathedral that he was sitting alone during Mass at the back of the altar, the focus of attention, and there was no crucifix or tabernacle to be seen. In other words he was making it known that he did not believe in the Catholic Faith
Everything the feminists put forward at this Synod is contrary to the Early Church and the desire of Christ when he said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light" and again "If you love me keep my Commandments. If you bring those who have little knowledge into a Catholic Discussion you will not build but you will destroy. Rather than the experts that Portsmouth and Bristol have relied upon to go round the parishes talking about everything but Christ. Why not ask the people of Faith, who occujpy the pews.
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